Chapter 1 - Home

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I wake up to the sound of gunshots right outside my bedroom window.

Not again.

I quickly jump off my bed and walk over to the balcony overlooking the backyard of my home. "Valeria! It is 8 in the morning!" I yell.

She takes one more practice shot before turning and aiming the gun at me. She keeps one eye closed while the other looks at me through the scope. "You know this helps my hangovers, get over it!" She yells back as she turns around and continues shooting.

Valeria is the toughest person I've ever met, yet a caring and gentle soul to the people who deserve it, which she could probably count those people on one hand. Everyone else is just a pawn to get her to the top, where she's always wanted to be.

It's safe to say she succeeded at getting all the way to the top, becoming an anonymous cartel leader under the name "Sin Nombre". Valeria has gotten almost everything she's put her mind to, but not without blood, sweat, and tears being shed.

As I stand on the balcony admiring my closest friend, I hear doors in the hallway opening and closing. I make my way to my room door and swing it open. "Just me in here don't worry," I say.

"I know, but you know she likes to be sure," One of the armed guards says, offering me a smile.

Considering that Valeria is a cartel leader, and someone a lot of people want dead, she never shies away from throwing parties with her closest partners after a good deal.

Last night was one of those nights, and this morning she had her guards checking every nook and cranny of the house making sure no one who wasn't supposed to be here spent the night.

"Breakfast is downstairs whenever you're ready."

"Gracias!" I say as he starts walking away from me. I close my room door and head over to my closet where I grab a robe to wrap around myself before I head downstairs.

As I walk down the marbled staircase I start to feel my own hangover coming in. The pain in my head only gets worse the closer I walk toward the brightly lit backyard.

"We couldn't have breakfast indoors today? Maybe with all the doors and windows closed?" I say as I squint and try to cover my eyes.

"Come on, you know that's just gonna make you feel worse. Just sit down and eat, you'll feel better in no time." She says as she puts down her gun and starts walking towards me. "I even waited for you, I know how much you like eating together."

I take a seat and start serving myself from the many breakfast plates laid in front of us. I grab the maple syrup and spread it all over my pancakes, not caring that it was also drenching the bacon right next to it. "Ay Marina, I can never understand why you're okay eating your bacon like that."

"What do you mean? Maple bacon is good bacon." I say, a smile slowly appearing on my face. She shakes her head at me, smiling back as starts cutting into her food. I wait until she takes a bite for me to pick up my own fork and start cutting into mine.

"I never understand why you have to wait for me to take the first bite before you can take your own. It's not like you waited for me when we were children, I'd buy us a bag of chips and you'd automatically rip it open and eat half." Val states between chews.

Next to her the staff has already started filling her empty glass with orange juice. I let out a small laugh before responding.

"I've told you before, it's a small sign of respect. You feed me and let me live here. I want you to know I appreciate it. On top of that I was usually the one buying the snacks, not you." I take another bite of my food and chew, waiting for her to respond.

Sin Miedo - Simon "ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now