"Ow what the fuck!" I yell pushing Ashley off me.

"Y/n!!!!! I missed you!" She squeals trying to grab be back down to the floor.

"Me to Ash! How's the fashion empire?"

"It's going! I really miss you in NY y/n/n." She says tilting her head and looking up at me with big doe eyes.

"I'm only a phone call away. And luckily you own a jet" I say and wink.

"Y/n Johansson! You're not supposed to be here!!!" I hear come from behind me and Ashleys eyes go wide.

"Run" she whispers but I just laugh and turn around to face the wrath.

"Hiiii Lizard" I say it just how her mom would say it and I actually see her frown turn into a straight line. Not quite a smile but no longer frowning!

"Y/nnn you're suppose to be working or anywhere but here!" Lizzie whines

"Liz it's my house and you guys weren't suppose to be here until like 4 or 5 o'clock!"

"Just please go upstairs you can come down when Flo gets here at 4." Lizzie says sweetly but grabbing her forehead like she has a headache.

"If you sit down I will go upstairs" I say concerned

"I'm fine y/n. Now go" she says pouting her finger.
"Please I don't want to start crying"she begs and I actually feel bad.

"Fine but at least let me grab some snacks. I'm starving" I say and she nods letting me gather up Scarlett's bag which is right on the dining table and then I go to the kitchen grabbing waters and some snacks before retreating upstairs.

Scarlett sits outside the bedroom door on the floor right by the staircase and I laugh realizing she heard everything.

"She's nicer to you" Scarlett whines

"I give her belly rubs" I say and watch Scarlett pout.

"Don't worry I'll save my best rubs for you." I say helping her up with my free hand and going into our bedroom together.

A little while later I hear the front door slam shut all the way from our bedroom and I look at Scarlett.

"That's Flo!" She laughs and I laugh along. Flo always slams doors, something we learned when she was staying here. But that means we can leave the room! I crack open the door and yell out of it "we're coming down whether you like it or not Olsen"

"You can come down now!" one of them yell up the stairs but I can't tell who it is.

"Finally" Scarlett huffs and exits the room before I do. Considering I showered and was only in a sports bra and shorts I slip a t shirt on and head downstairs.

And oh my god look at our house. There's streamers in a rainbow color hung all over the place and ....is that a uterus? Oh god multiple uterus' hanging on my walls. And a giant one hung on the wall outside of the kitchen. I keep looking around seeing more and more decorations. There's penis and sperm cups and straws and even a station to decorate cookies shaped as eggs. I especially love the white small balloons covering the front windows and the little sperms stucked all around them. Then I see a big projection screen set up in the living room.

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