[where are you? Why did not come home yesterday?]

"Sorry, I was drinking with Jimin in the office and fall asleep"

[OMG.. I was worried babe, are you coming now? I would like you to take me for my birthday shopping]

"I will need to finish my document, how about taking Yeji with you?"

[I don't know if she is available, but I will let you know]


[Bye babe...]


He closes the phone and gives you a cute smile with crazy messy curly hair.

"Why did you lie to her?"


"Well, you don't have a document to finish, I guess,"

"I do"


"Here" He pulls your hand and you just bump to his body for another hug.

You giggle away, he is just too sweet to handle sometimes, and you wonder why you feel so secure with him.

Your phone rings and you just break the hug and take your phone and you wonder why out of everyone, Lia is calling you.

"Y/N Speaking..."

[Hey Y/N, I have prepared my old lMac for you, Shin Ahjumma is bringing it to you right now]

"Ri-right now?"


"O-Oh... thank you so much Lia, I will use it very well," you reply but your eyes are looking at the gentleman who is literally holding his head and your hand at the same time.

[Don't worry, I don't need it anymore, by the way, can you come to my birthday party?]

"Su-Sure..." you just worried about everything now, hoping all the exhale and inhale of Taehyung's breath cannot be heard by her.

[Perfect... see you at the party] Lia closed the phone.

You just Sigh hardly, you just hate all the ideas that are happening right now.

"Fuck this headache..." Taehyung curse.

"Go take shower, I'll wait in dining table,"

The minute you walk out the room, Shin ahjumma comes with the old IMac from Lia, and you give your best and nervous feeling all of a sudden, as the sound of him showing can be heard all over the house.

"Oh, Ahjumma, just leave it here,"

"Yah... Y/N how are you, how was living here?"

"Yes Yes it's fine,"

"OMG it's been a long time I didn't see you, let's chat a little bit,"

"Oh next time ahjumma, I'm very busy alright?" you escort her out with all your might.

"See you next time, I will visit you soon" you are literally closing the door on her face.

"Who's that?" Taehyung is going out from the main bedroom.

"God damn! Again, can you stop getting me scared!" you are just getting enough of this jump scare.

You just catch your breath and walk to the kitchen and prepare the soup for him.

"Sit and eat this," you said as he was looking at you with half sleepy eyes.

"Alright wifey..." He mumble and giving you that stupid smile

✅ Calling You Mine Series: Book 1 (18+) || BUSINESS MAN AUWhere stories live. Discover now