Jungwon wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, his eyes red and puffy. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't remember anything, and it's like there's a wall between me and... everything."

Jay nodded in understanding. "Memory loss is a tricky thing. It might take time for things to come back to you."

"But Y/n... she's hurting because of me," Jungwon whispered, his voice trembling. "I can see it in her eyes. She came here every day, hoping I'd remember, and I just pushed her away."

Jay sighed, his expression empathetic. "Y/n cares about you deeply, Jungwon. But you can't force yourself to remember something that isn't there right now."

Jungwon clenched his fists, frustration coursing through him. "I hate feeling this way, Jay. Helpless, lost... like I'm not even myself."

Jay placed a hand on his shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "You're not alone, Jungwon. We're all here for you, and we'll help you through this. But you need to focus on healing, on getting better."

Jungwon leaned his head back against the bench, his gaze fixed on the sky. "I just wish I could remember. I wish I could give Y/n the answers she's looking for."

"You will, in time," Jay said softly. "For now, focus on your recovery. And remember that Y/n's strength doesn't solely depend on you. She's strong, and she'll find her way, with or without you."

As Jungwon absorbed Jay's words, a mix of emotions swirled within him. He knew that his journey to recovery would be a long one, but he also understood that he couldn't let his own struggles overshadow Y/n's well-being. With Jay's support by his side, he took a deep breath and resolved to start the difficult process of healing, not just for himself, but for the woman he had pushed away and the life they could have together.

Echoes of the Past:

Two months had come and gone, marking a transformative period for both Y/n and Jungwon. Y/n had found solace in Daegu, a place that offered her a fresh start and the chance to rebuild her life. The soft breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it a sense of renewal as Y/n prepared for the impending arrival of her baby boy. She had resolved to move forward, focusing on the future rather than the painful memories of the past.

Meanwhile, in Seoul, Jungwon was embarking on a journey of self-discovery. The therapy sessions had proven to be a lifeline, guiding him through the maze of his own mind. As he delved deeper into his memories, the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. He recalled the car accident, the blinding lights, the screeching tires, and the haunting aftermath. The memories of his unfaithfulness weighed heavily on his conscience, a stark reminder of the mistakes he couldn't undo.

With each therapy session, Jungwon's determination to remember grew stronger. He knew he owed it to himself, to Y/n, and to the child they had created together. He wanted to be the man he should have been, the partner he ought to be, and the father his child deserved. It was a battle against time and his own mind, but he was no longer willing to let his past control his present.

One day, as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Jungwon sat alone in his apartment, lost in thought. He ran his fingers through his hair, the frustration evident in his furrowed brow. Memories of Y/n danced just out of reach, like whispers carried by the wind. He clenched his fist, a surge of determination coursing through him.

In a decisive move, Jungwon picked up his phone and dialed a number he hadn't called in months. It rang, and after a few heartbeats, a familiar voice echoed through the line. "Hello?"

"Jay," Jungwon began, his voice steady, "I need your help. I need to find Y/n."

Jay's response was immediate, laced with hope. "Jungwon, that's a step in the right direction. We'll find her together."

As Jungwon and Jay embarked on their quest to locate Y/n, the pieces of their intertwined story began to shift once more. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and revelations, but they were determined to reclaim what had been lost and forge a future guided by the echoes of their past.

Tracing Memories:

Days turned into weeks as Jungwon, Jay, and their friends embarked on a relentless search for Y/n in the sprawling city of Daegu. The streets, once unfamiliar, had become a labyrinth of potential leads, each alleyway and cafe holding the possibility of a reunion. Jungwon's heart beat with a newfound purpose, every step a testament to his determination to find the woman he loved.

The group gathered in Jay's apartment, maps spread out before them, and Jungwon recounted everything he remembered. "I met her the day I moved in next door," he began, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I was... not the best version of myself back then, a reckless heartbreaker."

Jay nodded, his expression understanding. "But you changed for her, Jungwon. And that's what matters."

Jungwon's fingers traced over the inked lines on the map, marking the places where their memories had been woven together. "We went to Paris," he continued, a wistful smile touching his lips. "It was the first time I felt truly alive, exploring a new city with her by my side."

Their eyes met, a shared understanding passing between them. Jay leaned forward, his voice soothing. "That's progress, Jungwon. Remembering those moments means you're closer to finding her."

As Jungwon recounted more fragments of their past, the details began to take shape like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. "There was a letter from my dad, urging me to move to China," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "And then... I met Heeseung and you in a bar. That's when everything started to fall apart."

Jay's gaze remained unwavering, a pillar of support. "You made mistakes, but you're facing them now. And that takes courage."

Jungwon's fingers drummed on the table, a mix of anxiety and determination coursing through him. "I cheated on Y/n," he confessed, his voice heavy with remorse. "I can't undo what I did, but I need to make things right."

The room fell into a contemplative silence, the weight of Jungwon's words hanging in the air. "And then, the car accident," Jungwon continued, his voice quieter now. "I disappeared after that, until I woke up in a hospital bed."

Jay placed a reassuring hand on Jungwon's shoulder, his voice gentle. "You're piecing together your story, Jungwon. And that's the first step to healing and finding Y/n."

With renewed determination, the group continued their search, guided by the fragments of memories and the unbreakable bond between friends. As they navigated the winding paths of Daegu, the echoes of their shared history grew stronger, leading them ever closer to the woman who held the key to Jungwon's past and their intertwined future.

To be continued...

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