Part 4: Chapter 3

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Lloyd didn't have an appetite

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Lloyd didn't have an appetite. He stared at the confections, pastries, and tea on the table in front of him, thinking to have the servants take it all away, but it was only proper to provide it for his guest.

His hands were sweating. Nothing ever made him this nervous. Why should he be nervous when this wasn't his first meeting with her? But she hadn't answered the last three letters he sent her. Did he do something wrong? Had he upset her somehow? Was she...seeing someone else? A hard knot twisted in his stomach at the mere thought of it.

A maid entered the room. "Your Highness, your guest has arrived."

Lloyd stood from his chair.

Georgiana, wearing a green floral-printed dress with layers of lace, came into the room, accompanied by her maid, a young woman with dark purple hair. They curtsied to Lloyd.

"We greet His Imperial Highness, the crown prince," said Georgiana.

Lloyd's heart pounded at the sight of her. When she lifted her sage-green eyes, those beautiful eyes framed with full silver lashes, he wanted to run to her and—

"I have come as you requested," she said, followed by a small incline of her head. She averted her gaze, much to Lloyd's disappointment. She didn't seem happy to see him. Were his fears true?

She addressed her maid. "Laila, we will need privacy."

"Yes, my lady."

When the door closed behind Laila, Georgiana returned her attention to Lloyd. She said nothing as she faced him, cold and emotionless. Lloyd's mouth went dry and he ached all over.

"Georgiana," he said, "you stopped answering my letters." He reached out to her, but she took a step back.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I have come to end our courtship." Her voice was strong, steady, her posture resolute. She was a statue of solid ice.

What was this feeling? It was like tumbling down a steep mountain, falling, falling... "Why?" he asked.

"Our paths are diverging. I will soon be leaving the empire to begin advanced studies."

"You never mentioned this before."

"It was sudden."

Why, why, why, why? It was all Lloyd could think to say. His mind went blank before he collected himself again. "Did Her Grace suggest this?"

"Yes. My mother believes it will be good for me."

Everything about her, her movements, her tone, her eyes, everything lacked the affection she had always had for him. There was none of the passion when the two of them spent time alone together. It was like a lake, once vibrant and blue and sparkling in the sun, had suddenly dried up, leaving behind dry, crumbling ground, full of dust. Now, Lloyd stood alone in the midst of that bleak desert.

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