Part 2: Chapter 4

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Adren rushed to the state room where his guests waited

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Adren rushed to the state room where his guests waited. One of the ministers who had accompanied him to Adylia Palace had kept him longer than expected, even though the man should've understood the importance of this meeting. Today was the culmination of five years of negotiation. Adren could not afford to be late.

When he stopped at the doors to the state room, he straightened his jacket, waistcoat, and cravat. He touched his brow to dab the sweat off, and swept his fingers through his hair to neaten it. A servant at the door waited patiently, acting like she hadn't just seen her master looking slightly disheveled. When he was ready, she opened the doors and announced his arrival. He strode in, his shoulders squared and his head held high. Looking like he had just run a marathon through the palace would not make a good first impression. It was strange to worry about such things considering he was the ruler of the Yuriana Empire, but, again...five years of negotiation. He was not going throw away his efforts now.

"Queen Keoneli," he said, and bowed. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting long." It was not required that he bow to her since this was his empire, but this was an exceptional occasion. Plus, she was not a queen from a subordinate country, but an independent one, the nation of Isteris. He wanted to show her the utmost respect.

The woman sitting at the other end of the rectangular table gave him an even stare. She did not smile as she stood and bowed to him, nor did she seem to accept his indirect apology. She was a stunning woman at sixty years of age. The curls of her long white hair reached her waist, and her blue eyes looked back at him from under long black lashes. Her white dress hugged her slender figure and draped over her sandaled feet in plentiful folds. A circular crown fashioned of gold leaves graced her head.

Two guards waited a short distance away, a man and a woman. Their copper-colored helmets concealed most of their faces, save for their eyes and mouths visible through narrow openings. Breastplates covered their torsos, leather tunics hung from their waists, and armor covered their legs. Instead of boots, they wore sandals laced high up their calves. Most impressive were the crests of horsehair and feathers on their helmets, tall and red, the same color as the heavy capes they wore over their shoulders. Despite their fearsome appearance and the long spears they carried, Adren had permitted them into the palace to give his guests a greater sense of security.

"We arrived not long ago," Queen Keoneli said. She looked to the young woman at the seat adjacent to her. This was one equally stunning, with gold eyes and black curls tied up in an elaborate fashion. She wore similar clothes to the queen.

He saw the plate of tea and confections on the table, all of it untouched. "I hope my people have served you well."

"They have."

The young woman beside her remained silent, but her golden gaze slid over to the person standing opposite her.

Eiji stood stiffly with a sheen of sweat on his pale skin. He looked about to crack at any moment, so Adren promptly bade them all to sit, while he took the chair at the head of the table. He checked Eiji again and saw him swallow. The third prince wore a green and gold uniform similar to what he normally used, but this one had been specially made for this moment. It was more formal than any he had worn before, and Eiji had complained about the excessive number of ornaments and medals sewn into the jacket. He had thought it gaudy. In some ways Adren felt guilty for putting him through this, but it needed to be done. Impressions mattered here.

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