Part 3: Chapter 6

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Eiji tossed and turned well into the early morning hours

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Eiji tossed and turned well into the early morning hours. He lay on his bed and covered his face with his arm as low growl rumbled from his throat. His thoughts were split in two.

One one side of his mind was Princess Zemerri, her golden eyes regarding him from under long lashes, her lips curving up in that shy smile she always gave him; that soft, velvety voice... His thoughts wandered to other places, but he quickly sat up and rubbed his face to banish the them. She was so damn smart, too. He remembered their trip to the waterfall, and how she had brightened when he activated the magic lights in the water. He had asked her about her Voyage, about all the things she saw and experienced. Eiji had traveled to many places as well, being a prince and all, but she had been to places he hadn't, because princes weren't expected to go to such places. She had sailed on a fishing vessel, lived on a farm, traveled with nomads, and even spent time in tutelage of a hermit in a remote wasteland. The world she described to him had seemed so rich and wild to him, very unlike the trimmed and manicured garden that was the imperial court and the life of nobles. They had talked for hours. He wanted to know everything about her.

After the banquet, he had tried to go her room to ask if she wanted to go on another outing, secretly this time, into the city to see the nightlife. But the halls in the guest quarters had been swarming with servants for some reason. The Isterisians had brought some of their own staff, but these servants were from the imperial palace. Was it the emperor's doing? Of course it was. Adren was so intuitive, it was almost dangerous.

Next time I'll try going to her window.

He tried to put the princess from his thoughts for now before things got too tempting.

His long-lost siblings occupied the other side of his mind. He tried to remember their faces from the square but couldn't, although he had a vague recollection of Arjen looking very familiar at the time. Now he knew why. He couldn't believe he almost imprisoned his younger brother—younger brother? Eiji had a younger brother? And a little sister? He sat still as this fact sank in. He hadn't cared about them before, but now that he had met them, although briefly, it made him curious. The girl—Arien—had seemed gentle and kind, while Arjen had been reserved but sharp. Eiji had been extremely impressed by his skill at the game. No one had ever beaten Eiji at that game, neither Lloyd nor Alec, and especially not a commoner.

He's not a commoner, though. He's part of the imperial family—my family.

A long time ago, he had observed a noble family where an older brother cared for his little sister, and Eiji had been enthralled by the sight. The boy had led his sister around with pride, introducing her to everyone. The girl was so cute. Eiji had only been two years old at the time, but he had marched up to his father and told him point-blank that he wanted a little sister. He distinctly recalled the befuddled look on Adren's face. He had been very disappointed when he was told his mother was in heaven and couldn't come down to give him a sister.

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