chosen ones

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Pandora has its way to amaze and suprise even the ones that reside on Pandora tho this was one of the biggest ones yet even if no one knows or has ever known.Ewya has made her own children from her own soil they were supposed to be a test to see if it was possible but now they were growing little by little and they were MIGHTY.

During the war Ewya was in a great deal of pain due to her planet being destroyed and bearing the lost of many many lives it almost became unbearable.So she decided to create something new somthing different even with not being a physical being she was determine to create somthing new by herself.


After some time there were two young navis resting within the roots of a tree they weren't dead no were they alive they were merely just there No purpose yet nor a way to break free either. It's way after the war and things are peaceful tho still some things happen but nothing to major to cause any type of issues with the growth or the planet itself. And as time went on things went normally and smoothly untill there was movement Then there were sounds.And then life as the sun rose up the two unidentified females awake from their rest confused curious and most importantly cautious they looked around rapidly looking for any explanation.

"hello?....."one said confused and worried of where she had come from and why she was here to begin with there was no response nor anyone else but the other female who looked as if she hated the world plus herself."Hi......who-" before she could finish the older female got up quickly finding tools to make clothes along with accessories.The younger female looked confused but followed in her steps to stay close"do you know...what-Who....we are?"The younger one asked with desperation the older one sighed and looked up at her making the same confused expression showing she did not know either.They both continued to do simple task all day not knowing what else to do but survive as the day began to end they sit near the tree in which they awoke from as the day ended they were both fast asleep not knowing who or what they were.

but soon they will they just have to open their hearts to see their purpose.

born of EwyaWhere stories live. Discover now