The Tough Choices! (Jim x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"It's fine, D. See you tonight."

"See you," he hung up.

"What's tonight?" Jim asked.

"Drake's birthday is tomorrow and Gos wants me to take her to get him something," I said.

"Do we still have time to test the bed?" he whispered.


I picked Gos up and spent three hour trying to find the perfect gift. She finally decided on a cooking gear with exotic spices, which I thought was pretty decent. She also snagged a wallet with the DW logo, which she thought was hilarious.

We rolled up to the house and she went to wrap them and do homework. I pretty much knew that was code for hanging out with Honker. Though I didn't stop her. I lost in my own head.

I headed to the lair and suited up insanely fast. I had never been this eager to go on patrol. Well I was more eager for it to be over. Drake was typically waiting on me but tonight I found myself passing under the computer, waiting for him.

"Why are you so happy?" he asked when finally shown.

"I want to get this over with," I mumbled.

That was only half true. I wanted to get back to my apartment. My place, with Jim.

There wasn't much happening tonight. We decided to split up and do some old fashioned people-watching. D stopped a purse stanching but other than that everything was quiet.

I perched on a gargoyle and my mind raced. I really wanted to be home. I hadn't even realized I was stopped outside of the new apartment. I looked in the windows and nearly fell off the roof. I couldn't see very well but I knew it could only be one person. Negaduck was standing in my living room.

I made my way closer. My feet pounded on the rooftops and I pulled out the grappling hook and shot it at the building. I landed on the far side of my balcony. I could hear him yelling into a phone and see his mask in his hand. My heart raced. My brain felt fuzzy. No. It could be. My mask stopped the tears that would've fallen.

"If I have to come down there and do it myself, you'll regret it!" he growled.

I knew it was Jim's voice. Why had I never heard it before? Maybe because I didn't know I needed to or maybe I was just ignoring it.

"That's what I thought," he growled, hanging up the phone.

He marched to the balcony. I clung to the side. He sighed and put on his mask and dove over the side without a thought. I also jumped off the building in the opposite direction.

"____ what's wrong?" There was no telling how long Drake had been trying to get my attention. I could hear him over the blood pounding in my ears.

"I'm going dark," I mumbled into my communicator.

"Wha-" There was static.

I didn't know what to do. I ran across rooftops until I found myself in the warehouse district. Everything was quiet, which was sad because I needed to punch something. I found myself in the lair, pacing until my feet gave out.

I passed out on the couch and didn't move until the morning light was too bright to bare. I went to the chairs that would take me to Drake's. He was already up and cooking breakfast.

"Why aren't you at Jim's?" Drake sneered. He spun to face me and his demeanor softened. "Why are you still in your uniform?"

I growled and headed towards the shower. I didn't want to be reminded of this early in the morning. I took an extremely long shower and put on a clean hoodie.

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