S2 EP5: White Desert Hunter

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Previously on Daystar Purgatory Season 2, after helping the police deal with the Shanzhai fugitives, Elsword and Aisha found a flyer and some tickets for Idol A's concert, where the latter reveals that she and Shadow were related to each other, except that their parents had abandoned her older brother a long time ago and 2 days after that said concert ended, they were invited to a show with Prince Idris and his translator, who would kidnap them shortly after throwing tear gas at them at the end of one of the songs at their concert, and brought them to their white car, which led to a police car chasing after them, led by Rena and Laby, with the sole purpose of saving the three hostages.

As the two cars were chasing each other, Rena asked if the other police officer had a grappling hook so that she and Laby could get out of the car and reach to the white car in question, so they agreed and gave her one, so they both jumped to the top of the car, where the latter of the two told the former "Rena, you can do this! Use this on the car's trunk!" in which she used the hook to attach to the car's trunk, allowing them to glide freely and reach the car's back, armed with their weapons, a rock and a slingshot.

While on the car, Prince Idris saw them on the back and said to his translator, who was driving the car, "Who the heck are these strangers?!" in his language, to which he said "That's the main allies of our hostages! We must stop them from getting into us!", but as he was trying to look at the back seats, Elsword, Aisha and Idol A was gone, along with the shattered rear glass, and the rock in their place.

As Prince Idris and the translator was trying to drive away from the police cars, they crashed it to a nearby tree, which served as an dead end to the road, and he called a private helicopter to take the two away from the Daystar Purgatory, in which he immediately disappeared without a trace. Meanwhile, Idol A thanked Rena and Laby for saving her, Elsword and Aisha from the prince, which Shadow appeared out of nowhere and told his sister that he filed an complaint with Astros and the police, who put out multiple wanted posters of Prince Idris across the Daystar Purgatory, with the description of his physical features and the list of crimes he did, along with his face on it, and if found, 100,000 ED will given as a cash reward.

Taking this as an opportunity, Elsword told Aisha, Idol A, Rena and Laby to come with him to the prince's kingdom in order to confront him, as Rufina walks in out of nowhere, wearing a brown cloak, and tells him that the prince is in a faraway white desert land and that the temperature and climate there reminds them of Sander, as she had visited this area before and had survived under the harsh climates of this land, and escaped from an attack from a merchant, who would gather his army of assassins to kill her at the time, by teleporting to the Rune Realm.

As a result, Rufina gave him, Aisha, Idol A, Rena and Laby a brown cloak that fits their size, and told them to be careful on their trip to the prince's land, in which they parted ways with each other. One day, Idol A, now revealing herself to the ElSugar Idols as Salvia, found a crate large enough for them to hide inside, along with a food and water supply, with a set of armors and weapons. Once the five were inside the crate, whose destination was to the prince's land, where it would be picked at a nearby port, they had no idea what to do, since there's no other way to escape from the crate, and was leaving the Daystar Purgatory.

By the time the boat, where the crate is placed on, arrived to the Suren port, the port staff grew suspicious of the crate's arrival and noticed that there were five people inside of it, so they told the authorities to open it as soon as possible. To their surprise, upon opening the crate, there were actually five people, who were none other than Salvia and the ElSugar Idols, who came here just to confront Prince Idris himself.

The police came to the scene and tried arresting them, but Elsword, Aisha and Rena were nowhere to be found in the port, as they were taken away to the royal palace to perform forced labor on the prince's behalf while Salvia and Laby were taken away to a prison cell, awaiting a sentence from the court. Back at the Daystar Purgatory, while at the campfire site seen in Season 1, Fabian, Elesis, Crescentia and Noah were feeling worried about what was going on with their allies, except that Rufina ran to tell them that the prince kidnapped them to make them one of his slaves so that he could rule a monarchist dictatorship that'll capture any of its dissidents and those who strongly oppose against him.

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