Chapter 1

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 Please, please comment, I just started typing Noah's point of view from my note book, I will try and update almost every day, and I need to know if you like it or what you think about it, so I keep writing it. Thank you!! :) 

Noah's point of view-book one-

I knew the moment I saw her that we were ment to be. I knew she was the one, there was just somehting about her. 

As my mom drove up to the Civic theater, where she was taking me against my will. If my friends saw me here I would have broken one of the bro codes. Code number 15 to be exact, it states 'A teenage boy is to never be seen in public with his mother, unless it is an emerency.'  

See, that is why I can't be seen here with my mom, in public, let alone a ballet. Yes, I am at a ballet, my mother bought tickets to have me and my 4 year old sister,Trinity and her to come see the Nutcracker ballet. 

I really didn't want to come, but my sister wanted me to come, and I can't let my sister down. Plus my mom, would have literally dragged me here if I said no. 

"Come on," My mother said cheerfully. 

"No..." I groaned unbuckling my seat belt. 

"I bet you, you will enjoy this more than you think you will, and this is the chance of a lifetime. Not everyone gets to see the Nutcracker " She smiled as I got out of the car, and see looped her arm through mine. 

Truth is, and I didn't know this at the time, but she was right, this would be the chance of a life time an d I would definietly enjoy this. 

First Sight - Book One (Major editing) Where stories live. Discover now