Chapter 25: Sophie (Saturday)

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       I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. and then there was a girls hair is my face.

"Gah!" I giggle.

"Sorry!" Biana blushed.

"It's okay," I got up and saw Marella was making the pancakes.

They all just started to laugh.

"What?" I asked and then Biana hands me a mirror.

"You guys put a moustache on my face?!" I shriek.

The just laugh some more and I join in.


Everyone except for Biana has already left.

"I'll take you home." She said.

"Cool. Seeya Elwin!" I say behind my shoulder.

"Hopefully soon!" He replied.

We arrived at Havenfield and Grady and Edaline came running out.

"Hey Mom, Hey Dad." I say as the rap me in a hug.

"Bye Sophie!" Biana said.

"Bye Biana!" I reply.

There was a random flash of light.

"Woah are you okay?" Biana asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry. Bye." I shook her hand and she leaped away.

"Are you sure you're okay kiddo?" Grady asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just still really tired. We stayed up really late last night. Maybe I should go sleep." I yawn and Sandor just nods.

"Probably a good Idea." Edaline egress and then kisses me on top of my head and then Grady followed her lead.

A gnome comes running up to her and whispered something into her ear and then said, "Lady and Sir Ruewen please follow me." And with that they were gone.

I ran upstairs to get changed. I did and then crawled into bed with my memory log and Ella.

I project onto it what happened with Biana. 

In between the flash of light there was a fast image. I slowed it down just enough and watched it.

"Hey there Sophie," The projected image of Biana said, "I don't know if you'll ever wake up but I want to say that you're the best girl friend that any girl could ask for." The projected image put a hand down on my leg "I miss you."

Then the memory ended.

I can remember things from when my mind was broken! I thought.

The words 'Bye Biana' triggered the memory. Maybe if I say 'Bye __' With everyones names there good bye memories will trigger.

I said everyone's names. Even Fitz's but nothing happened. Same with Keefe's.

"Bye Forkle!" Memory.

"Bye Grady!" Memory.

"Bye Edaline!" Memory.

On and on and on.

Then I said:

"Bye Elwin!" And this memory felt different. Warmer. Maybe because he was a Flasher.

"Sophie, I think you have been the best patient ever." He starts and then stares at any thing but at me. "Your visits make me happy, well not the almost dying part but the seeing you part." He pauses for a WHILE I think the memory is done but then he opens his mouth.

"Screw it." He whispered. "If you don't wake up Sophie I want you to know, I am your biological father." He blurts out and the the memory ends.

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