Chapter 18: Keefe (He deserves it, also it's Thursday)

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          "Oh my gods -Again hehe- Sophie is hailing me, ummmmmm stay completely quiet!" Amy shrieked and I held my breath.

"Hello?" Amys says when she approves the call.

"Hi um, I don't know how to tell you this but um Keefe ran away." Foster sounded really tired. I knew she wouldn't listen to me.

"Oh no!" She fake gasps. I want to snicker. She's such a bad actress.

"Yeah and I was wondering if you see him AT ALL, hail me, OKAY!?" she asks. I hope she's okay, I need to find a different place to stay. I can't stay at Amy's forever.

"Okay," She replied a tint of sadness in her voice. I take back what I said just now. SHE'S GOOD!

"I love you!" Foster says.

"Love you too," Amy says then Foster hangs up.

"Sooooooo that just happened." I say.

"Yep, you should go back," She said and I was about to protest then she stopped me and said, "I know you're scared but the miss you. And they need you, especially Sophie,"

My blush gave it away.

"Ha! I knew it. I love you two together, what do you call yourself? Keephie? Sokeefe?" Amy guessed.

"Those are awesome but actually, I don't think Foster likes me back."

"Sureeeeeee she likessss youuuu..." She dragged out her words and emphasized them A LOT!

"Team Foster-Keefe," I whispered "I call us, Team Foster-Keefe."

-I just realized that sounded like, Alexander Hamilton, My name is Alexander Hamilton, LOL!-

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" She squealed. "Do you want to watch T.V?"

"What's that?" I asked.

"You'll see." She grabbed a stick with buttons. "Lets watch Friends and the Parks and Recreation! Oh! Let's watch Percy Jackson!"

She flicked on a giant box and it started plat a weird thing that had umbrellas and clapping. The something with a lot of swings and an angry man, then a boy and a girl that looked like the people who told me to 'Google' Amy.

Amy fell asleep, but I stayed up. I couldn't get Foster out of my head, I missed her so much.

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