Chapter 2: Keefe (Tuesday)

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      The leap was rocky but I made it. I walked down the streets not knowing where I was.  Everything was kind of blurry. Mainly because I was tired. It was dark and smelt muggy and gross. I missed Foster so much.

I look around and everyone was staring at me. Have fun with that I thought. I went by something called an ATM. I took his pathfinder and shoved it in. The human thing called 'Money' spilt everywhere. TONS of it. Thankfully no one saw. I wandered for a bit hopefully not running into some chatty person. I went to a store called 'Target' and found some 'flattering' human clothes.

Then I realized where I was.

San Diego.

I could go find Amy!

I ran out of 'Target' and ran somewhere.

I had no idea where.

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