Chapter 8: Keefe (Wednesday)

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I am sooooo lost. But I should be able to ask for directions. But that involves talking. Which I prefer not to do any talking. But I'll be so careful.

I walked up too a 20? 17? year old girl with blonde hair and silvery eyes.

"Excuse me where are we? and do you know a Am- Natalie Freeman?" I asked trying to sound like a lost human.

"San Diego and Just Google her." The girl said and walked away with a black haired guy with greenish eyes.

"Okayyyyyy now who's Google." I mumbled.

I found a Library and saw a human 'Computer' and clicked on 'Google.' I typed in Natalie Freeman San Diego. She had an account on 'Instagram' so I clicked on it using a 'Mouse' and saw in the background her address with a typed thing that said 'Parents out of town! Babysitter coming soon!' so I 'Googled' it and left the library.

I found a form of human transportation called a bus. Off to Amy!

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