Chapter 1: Sophie (Tuesday)

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         I arrived at Havenfield and saw Grady wrestling a dinosaur, Grady had a look on his face, I couldn't decide if it was pity or the "I told you so" look. He stared strait at me and jumped off. He smiled weakly and said "Sophie come inside, I'll wash off and then we can talk."

"Uhhhhhhh okay......" I said, confused why he was being so weird.

I went inside and up to her room wondering why the door was closed even though I left it open. --Authors note, Would it even have a door if it took up the entire 3rd floor?- I opened it and saw note bye Iggys cage, -Good eye,- I went towards it and read.

To The Mysterious Miss F!

Ugh- I'm already regretting starting this letter that way. But I don't have any extra paper, and crossing it out would look worse, so........ I guess we'll just have to add it to my list of mistakes.

And I know you're going to think that everything I'm about to say should also be on that long list of Keefe fails. But I swear- that's NOT what this is. I'm not trying to fix everything or save everyone this time. I'm just trying to make sure I don't hurt anyone.

I can't tell you more than that without putting you in danger, so just........

trust me when I say that the powers my mom gave me are super bad. There seriously aren't strong enough words to explain how horrible they are. AND I CAN'T control them- just like I can't stop my mom from forcing me to use them.

So..........this is the only way. I don't want to do it. But I have to.

And I'm not going to ask you not to hate me. In fact, it might be better if you do, because I need you to PROMISE that you won't try to find me. My mom will be waiting for you to track me down- and since I know how stubborn you are, I want to make sure you understand who you'd be putting in danger.

I'm going to be hiding the same way the Black Swan hid you.

That's why you have to stay away. Well, there are lots of reasons. So again, please, just........ trust me, okay?

And since this is the last time I'll ever talk to you, I just...... I want to say that I'm really going to miss you. You mean a lot to me, Foster. More than you'll ever know.

Please be careful. Please be happy. And PLEASE forget all about me.

It'll be better for everyone that way.

You'll see.

Love, Keefe.

The note fell to the floor and everything went dark.

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