Chapter 9

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   When Natasha enters the kitchen for her early morning cup of coffee a week later she is immediately aware that something is going on. The hushed whispers she'd heard while walking in die down to nothing and she can feel multiple sets of eyes on her.

"Somebody want to tell me something?" she asks, practically daring them to be brave

Of course Clint is the one to speak up, "The team of agents Fury sent to escort Steve and Sharon to the Raft for their crimes against Y/n, they uh, they never made it. And Fury has to locate them."

Tony flinches as she harshly sets down her coffee cup, he's sure that either the counter or the mug are now cracked and he braces himself in case she just decides to fling the mug at one of their heads

"The fuck do you mean they never made it?! Those two assholes were out cold when we left and should have still been out cold minutes later when the team arrived!"

Tony nods, "They probably were still unconscious, but at some point before they got to the prison they woke up and made sure they could not be taken in"

"Why did it take so long for Fury to tell us this?" she growls, "With them still out there Y/n needed extra protection this whole time"

"Protection you were already giving her, Nat." Bucky states, "You haven't left her side since she's gotten back. And now when you do leave her and Wanda, you leave them with Yelena. She's safe here now."

"You can't know that" she argues

"We can" Tony assures her, "Not only did I improve our security after Y/n was taken, Fury told us that he added a security team to patrol the perimeter when Cap never arrived at the Raft."

"Plus, I'm fairly certain Steve would have to be suicidal to attempt getting her hands on your Omega again Nat. I think he knows now that you'd kill him" Clint adds

She grunts, clearly not satisfied, "I'm not making the mistake of underestimating him again. I will not be at ease until he is found. And I want him found, now."

Her green eyes practically piece into Tony and he stubbles to get up without spilling his coffee, "I'll get right on it. I'll bring the kid in too since he was helpful last time"

Her gaze moves to Bucky next, "You're his oldest friend, go help Tony. Give him anything that might be useful. Old addresses, old hangouts, anything. I don't care if your knowledge is from the 40's, he's running like a scared rabbit right now and scared people fall back to what they are familiar with."

"Right, I'll give Stark everything I know" he assures, quickly following after the other man

"So" Clint drawls out, stuffing a croissant into his mouth, "What am I doing then?"

Her eyebrows furrow at her best friend's eating habits and she wordlessly passes him a napkin, "I can't risk leaving Y/n or Wanda alone here, even if Yelena stays with them. I just...I can't. "

He nods in understanding, "Got it, I'm your eyes in the city to check the locations on Tonys list. I'll finish up this cup of coffee, grab my gear, inform Stark and head out. I'll keep my coms open for you to check in.

"Thank you Clint"

He waves her off, "You'd do the same for me. Besides, what are friends for, right?"

"Right" she agrees, smiling fondly as she recalls the first time he'd said that to her all those years ago after he brought her to SHIELD

Knowing where her mind went, he smiles too before downing his coffee, "Alright, I'm gonna head out."

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