Chapter 6

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 Yesterday had passed by with little event, you had chosen to stay in your room with your mates. You were tired after all you had gone through so you were content on laying in the nest and catching up on some much needed sleep while Wanda and Natasha cuddled you. They let you sleep, only disturbing you when it was meal time but even then they didn't make you leave the room or the nest for that matter, they had Yelena bring up their meals and yours so you could all eat together.

In between your frequent naps you'd find yourself watching Wandas sitcoms with her, or asking Nat to sing Russian lullabies to you. They truly were the best mates and you consider yourself very lucky to be able to call them yours. They of course felt the same way about you.

Wanda knew your heat was approaching and she knew hers would sync up with yours, just like usual. However, unlike usual there was now an Alpha involved and this excited her very much. Nat knew being around both her mates was sure to trigger her rut, she also knew she had to talk to the two of you about wanting pups yet or not. It didn't matter to her, she could wait to put her pup in you both but she would also gladly drop everything to do with the Avengers to have a family with you both. Plus she wanted to be absolutely certain you were ok with everything that would happen during that time, she didn't want to upset you after what Steve had done.

You were awakened to the feeling of your Alphas hand gently caressing your hip. You smiled sleepily before turning to face her, "Hi Tasha" you whispered so you wouldn't wake Wanda.

"Hi medovyy(honey). Did you sleep well?" she asks

You nod, "I did. Did you?" you answer as she pulls you closer

"I did too." she answers, planting a kiss to your forehead.

She looks down at you and you can tell she wants to talk about something but seems nervous.

Your hand cups her cheek, "Talk to me Alpha. What is it?"

"I know you heats approaching and I just don't want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable. Steve really hurt you." she answers

You smile at her caring nature, "Tasha, being with you won't make me uncomfortable because I want to be with you. I love you and I want to mate with you during my heat."

She nods, but before she can say anything Wandas sleepy voice can be heard, "I want to mate with you during our heat too Alpha."

Her smile becomes larger, "Of course Moi Devochki(my girls). We can mate as often as you need and I will take such good care of both of you." She pauses for a moment, contemplating asking the question she knows needs to be asked. "Do you want pups?"

Wanda sits up in the nest in order to get a better look at Nat, the Alpha worries she's asked the question too soon and has potentially freaked you both out, "It's ok if you don't-"

"Yes." Wanda is quick to say, "Yes, Alpha. I want to have your pups and I don't care if that means no more missions. I just want to have a happy family with both of you"

She smiles as tears form in her eyes, "I'll happily let you carry my pups dorogoy(sweetheart)." her eyes look to you for your answer

"I want to have your pups too, Alpha." you answer making both your mates hug you

"I will happily give them to you medovyy(honey). I can't wait to have a family with you both, I should probably put a down payment n the place I found for us." she says

"You found a place for us to live?" Wanda asks excitedly.

It hadn't been discussed between the three of you but each of you knew you'd have to move out of the compound once pups became involved since the Omegas wouldn't be allowed on missions and it was just safer for them to not be at the compound. Plus once born the pups would need their own space with only their parents around at first. So when she first bonded with you both she started looking at places to live just so she could be prepared.

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