Chapter 2

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 "Don't you know how to knock?" the redhead questions, "Wait, why are you smiling like that?"

"I went to talk to Wanda and Y/n like you wanted." she says

Nat furrows her brows, "And? Is the Alpha that's leaving scratches, bruises and hickeys on them a team member?"

Yelena chuckles, "It's not an Alpha."

"It's a Beta?" Nat asks, surprised a Beta would be that expressive with their affections

"Each other actually" her younger sister tells her

Natashas eyes widened. It's not that she didn't approve of two Omegas being together, that wasn't the case at all, as far as she was concerned people deserved to be with who they loved no matter their bearing. She just didn't expect this, her jealousy for the non existent Alpha definitely clouded her spy senses in this instance because even though she, and she alone noticed the marks you both tried to cover due to her eyes constantly being on both of you, she couldn't figure out you were doing it to the other.

She just couldn't see it, far too busy watching any other Alpha that came near you both with an angry glare and a longing for her to be the one touching you both. She realized if she didn't make a move she had no right to be protective or jealous, but the truth was that the Alpha has wanted you both almost as long as she's known you. But she didn't want to make a move while Wanda was grieving, and how does one make a move on two Omegas anyway. Then she noticed the bruises and bites beginning to show. She thought she was too late, that she waited too long.

"You're not messing with me? There's really not an Alpha?" the Alpha questions, afraid to get her hopes up that she still has a chance

The other Alpha shakes her head, "I wouldn't joke around or lie to you about something that involves your heart sestra(sister)."

Nat smiles then, a genuine smile that reaches her eyes and Yelena finds herself smiling as well. She hasn't seen her sister smile like that since you and Wanda joined the team, and before that the last time was when they were pups on that mission in Ohio.

"Then I have to tell them. I can't waste anymore time, even if I'm not the Alpha they want, I need them to know my feelings." she says

"Well uh, just hang on. Because I didn't actually talk to them. I just caught them, and I kind of told them that I wouldn't tell anyone about what I saw, so..."

"And what exactly did you see?" Natasha asks, jealousy in her tone

Yelena chuckles, "Relax, it's not like I meant to. I just went to talk to them and well, as soon as Y/n opened the door the scent was... well, it was very apparent they had just finished mating."

Nat was torn between being concerned for the two of you getting caught by Steve, Bruce or Dr. Strange, and longing to know what your scents and noises were like when you were together.

The blonde clears her throat, gaining her sister's attention again, "My point is, how are you going to ask to be with them both if you aren't supposed to know they're together?"

Her brows furrow, "Does it matter if you told me when you know I want them? It's not like I'm going to tell the others or punish them. I want to ask them to be mine."

Yelena thinks over her sisters words for a moment, "True, but I don't want to seem like a liar. I don't want them to lose trust in me."

"I'm sure if I explained the situation they wouldn't be upset about anything." Nat says, hopeful that her sister will just agree so she can go find the two of you

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