talking with Kalda

Start from the beginning

Hiccup was caught off by surprise by that, "wait! your a Catholic?"

Kalda nodded, "I bet you don't like Catholics, do you?"

Hiccup shook his head, "no of course not, I mean where I'm from we don't have Catholics but I have heard about them, all the Vikings said they were wrong and how weak the gods were of the Catholic religion, although I don't really know that much about Catholic."

"Tell me do you believe the Catholic religion is true or the pagan religion is true?" Kalda ask as hiccup had only one answer.

"Pagan of course because I mean where we are, I have heard about heaven and hell but those realms don't exist," hiccup explain as there was no way the Catholic religion could be true and the pagan religion was the only true one.

Kalda shook his head, "that is where you're wrong, the truth is, it's way more complicated but really they do it exist but sadly because of what happened to me they strip me from ever going there and I'm forced to stay in helheim, to be a prisoner in this realm."

"But how? That doesn't make no sense I only heard there's nine realms," hiccup ask as he was curious to know.

"Well they're all many kinds of gods, they created their own beliefs for The mortals to follow, however mortals have a way of forcing their beliefs on everyone else, you might not know this or understand it but throughout history many people believe that their own religion is right and that everyone else's is completely wrong and must submit to theirs, there's way more afterlife than everything but sadly I just ended up in this one because what happened to me," Kalda explain as he went over Greek gods, Shinto, Buddhist, Catholic and pagan gods.

"How do you know all those things?" Hiccup ask as it was definitely curious to know about.

"Well the truth is, before I was taken away I study all kinds of religions, I wanted to understand why was everyone trying to force it and submit their beliefs on others, all gods do give the mortals the choice, I want to believe in and it's our choice to choose what we want to believe but mortals have a way of most of them forcing it instead of accepting people's differences," Kalda explain as hiccup did thought about it and yet realized he was right, back when he was alive he had herd tales of people being forced to submit and accept others believe or be executed for not.

Hiccup never actually agree with that kind of thing but he was a pagan, so he stuck with his pagan believes.

"You know, you do have a point, it's kind of funny you mentioned that because I was condemned for being called a blasphemy... Wait I...?" Hiccup stop himself as he might be in trouble now.

Kalda look at him and ask, "and why was that?"

Hiccup look down and explain what he had remember from his life before he died.

Kalda smiled and put his arm around hiccup, "why are you smiling at me?"

"It's nice to know someone actually understands, you're not an actual traitor or blasphemy, you wanted peace and in the war to protect your people but they didn't believe in that way, you and I are definitely more alike then I realize," Kalda told him but hiccup struck his head.

"No that can't be, I mean you and I are completely different with many things, how we were both raised and brought up and..." Kalda stop hiccup and started to explain something important.

"Hiccup, no matter who you are and no matter who everyone else is you will always be different from them and everyone else will be different from you, we may have different beliefs, we may have been raised differently but look what we have in common, we found comfort and friendship with dragons because people treat us like dirt because we were different, we were outcast for different reasons but ultimately we were different from them, even at the end we met horrible ends of our lives but look we found each other and can understand how the other feels," Kalda explains as he gave hiccup a hug.

Hiccup was surprised by all of this, everything that Kalda explain was something he never thought he would heard from anyone before.

"I don't understand, why are you talking to me like this? You weren't like this when we first meant or... at...?" Hiccup couldn't get the words to explain.

Kalda turn away, "it's because, I needed to finally say that to someone who would understand, you and I might be different but that can't stop us from being friends," turning around and looking at hiccup, "it's people like us that need each other, only if you want to accept it."

Kalda pulled out his hand and Hiccup smiled and took it, "come on, let's start dragon academy."

With hel

Hel along with Baldr were seeing the whole entire thing happening in the crystal ball.

"You know, I never agreed about having a Catholic being forced into the nine realms if they didn't believe in the pagan religion, they deserve to be with their own people and not being forced because they were condemned by pagans," Baldr told hel as felt sad for the poor man that he couldn't be with his family in the afterlife.

"Sadly that's what your own father Odin did when he made those rules, I never agree with it either but still like I just said," hel said that she turned away.

"You know, he definitely had a good heart like that young lad hiccup and he's only now showing it because of hiccup," Baldr explain as hel nod before heading out.

Baldr got closer to the crystal ball now that he was alone, "I know you hiccup will become something much more as I have been waiting for you, you have a bigger part to play with my plans."

To be continued

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