Chapter 2: Water

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Water and clothing does not make a good match if worned, his blanket now safely tucked inside of his inventory due to the environment of this area being filled to the brim with water and waterfalls, his slippers becoming a victim too as he carefully walked amongst the many platforms used as a base to not get wet.

"Probably fish monsters live here, it's wet and damped. God damnit."

He complained, the world heard it and decided to reply back by him accidentally slipping on a smoothen rock and finding himself butt first onto a running small river. Making his lower half drenched, he's seething and he is definitely not coping, hurriedly climbed out of the water with a shiver as a small breeze went by. His shorts were soaked and he doesn't have any spares so he took off his slippers for a bit. Stomping on it to squeeze out any excess water before he moved onto his shorts, taking it off and now that he realized it.. why does his body have extra plated bones to act as a replacement for his skin anyways? At least he doesn't seem to have genitals much to his dismay but hey. His mind exist and that's all that matters.

He twist and squeezed out his shorts of any water that got absorbed and put it on yet again, grumbling as he did so.

Imagine falling into a flood and having your only clothings that you wore that day becoming your last since you were so far away from home. Now you got to squeeze it all out while looking out for some peepers trying to have a peek.

Luckily he's alone with no one here to take a peek, not like there is much to see. Who would lust for a pile of bones anyways? He sighed and continued on, crossing through layers upon layers of tall grass as the dirt underneath him felt soft but solid enough to hold ground. Probably the grass's work, who knows. He certainly don't.

He came across a dock with a wooden platform ontop of the water.


He said to himself seeing the other end of this seemingly large body of water which is actually a running river. He looked around for a way to move forward as he walked to the platform, unknowing of its contraption as before he realized the trap, it was already too late.

"How do I even g- Ge-Ge! gEt!--"

He tries to balanced himself as the platform zoomed through the body of water, ignoring whatever form of resistance the water was producing and slammed against the otherside of the place. Sending him tumbling forward to the dock, rolling and groaning from the speed that the platform surprised him with. The pain was immensely annoying, the terror was equally so.

He was going to punt that platform to another dimension but he cooled down, he stood up, a scowl on his face filled with annoyance of the events that had happened before he dust himself off of the dirt and grime that got onto his little tumblefest. Seriously it's like someone placed a pair of straps to his legs and told him to run.

He soon walked away from there, not wanting to stay at a site that gave him such a fright.

Seriously, he'd curse at that thing if he could.

He tried.

It didn't end well for him at least.

He rubbed his elbow that he used to hit the platform, it really didn't end well for him. following several paths and found a field of flowers, glowing a neon cyan that reminds him of bio-luminescants.



He blinked, he didn't expect that. He looked around to see if there was someone or he managed to consume some form of airborne hallucinogen before he tested it out again.



Several voices came out, all of it were his but a bit lighter in pitch. These flowers echo back those voices that are near them. He'll call them echo flowers for now. He started to walk across the pathway, picking up one of the many echo flowers, seeing how it still remains glowing.

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