Prologue: Bonjour

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There lies a world of colors, a void filled with doodles of epic proportions.

The floor of this void is stained by numerous colors. Some tainted by another to make a horrid color yet blends with the overall theme, others mixed to create another kind of color.

Not all were a mix and matched perfectly.

Some disgusting black, some puke brown. It was as if the rainbow spat on the world and left it like that.

There exist other accessories of this world, papers on a string. Doodles that oozed with energy known only to make.

Destiny aligned, fate was made.

The sky, bearing the same complexion of the ground except it bares more brightful colors.

A golden hue, it holding strings that hold the many doodles that exist within this space.

Within this sphere.

A figure sat there, doodling with a pencil, the tip of it holding an invisible force that defined the doodle's existence as it started to form the world within the paper.

The figure, having a sache of paint along with a scarf, an Ink stain becoming an iconic trait on their face. White shirt and striped pants stare at their new creation with a smile, putting it up to be yet another doodle to his collection.

Yet, the figure did not see the glitch that was currently happening to the structure of the doodle.
As if an unknown virus made its way into the core system of its data, the doodle glitched, twisting and turning. Becoming something different, something more.

The figure leaves, with none the wiser.

This was the birth of something else. Something that exceeds their expectation, something that.. is only the inner workings of a Deity.

Some would say they felt a little change would be in order.



A groan escaped from a figure covered in snow, their body shivering from the cold as they stood from the cold ground. Their vision blurry, headache intensifying, their existence can only be described as torturous due to their current condition.

They gagged, they hurl their stomach out but none came out for there was nothing to come out. They heaved, they pant, they shiver, their thinking was too chaotic to comprehend their current situation as their consciousness fades in and out of reality.
The only thing that was on their mind, 'Pain,' 'Spinning,' 'Vomit,' and 'Argh!'

Thoughts swim across the murky waters that is their mind as they stood up to walk, stumbling through the snow. Their journey lead them to a broken village. Underground, the ceiling above him was as dark as it should with bioluminescent lights providing enough to provide sight. The village.. no, the town was empty. The buildings abandoned, broken, dust filled the air as they shivered and sneezed. Their heart? started to beat at a rapid pace, as if the place grasp their instinct with a tight grip and threatening it to be the next of its victim and yet they entered, they past a broken down inn, a shop next, then a house that's nearly intact. They entered, they felt at home the moment they opened the door, their body creaking, cracking, becoming an opera for cracking bones, it echoing within the empty living room made up of ruins that was once a vibrant household.

They collapse upon a couch, they have yet to observe their surroundings but they do not care. For they felt safe, comforted.

They felt at home.

Surely that accounts for something.. right?

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