53 | fervid feelings

Start from the beginning

Tonight he had to attend a party thrown by Riyaz Bilal, a reputed hotelier in the state. Hence he hadn't made his usual call to Ruhaani's cell. Devashish wasn't kidding when he said his parties were worth attending.

It had been a Mughal theme party. Authentic food, only the best brands of alcoholic drinks, gorgeous women dancers, expensive décor, very understatedly summarized the evening. He had met quite a few of his friends, all businessmen. Some of them, seemingly dangerous.

It was better Devashish did all this. He didn't want to be in the same room as some of those men. Business with people who casually carried weapons, who made fun of people for fun, who treated women like they were born to be slaves to a man's whims and fancies, and had loaded bodyguards who looked like they wouldn't think twice before shooting someone down wasn't exactly a good idea. Men like that disgusted him. The reason why Aadarsh always let Devashish be the face in the front. He could tolerate those men and get work done.

The less people knew him, the better it was. He had a family back at home. He couldn't afford to be in the front, when facing these people. These ruthless people had no principles and morals, only a mad rush to win and make money. A man who had a family back at home that he loved, couldn't sit at the same table with them.

His thoughts went back to those wretched written threats he had been receiving. They were wickedly worded death threats. They spoke about some revenge. He had no clue who was sending them and why. Devashish was actively trying to locate where these were coming from, but so far had nothing concrete.

Yes, there had been times, many, when they had crossed a few lines, twisted the laws but none of them were such that they could bring them death threats from someone thirsty of revenge.

They hadn't officially involved the police but Devashish had a few friends in the police who were helping them. They had doubled the security at home, had bodyguards in plain clothes shadowing every member of the family.

Aadarsh rubbed his forehead. He was tired. So exhausted of himself. There was a battle inside and a battle outside. He had to fight both to preserve himself.

He had been laying on the middle of the bed. He slowly shifted to the right side and then turned over to the empty left side. His hand stretched out to the empty side.

He missed her.

In one moment, he hated the feeling.

In the next, he loved the feeling.

He missed listening to her voice. He missed fighting with her. He missed teasing her. He missed listening to her lectures.

He missed her, more than he missed anyone.

A small smile pulled his lips. He shouldn't be missing her. He should try not to miss her. But for once he could let his guards down. She wasn't around to see. His hand slowly moved to the pillow.

"I miss you, Ruhaani."


Ruhaani had no interest in reading. She was only thinking about him. Sighing she placed her kindle device on the nightstand and checked her phone. It was going to be twelve on the night clock. Today was the first day since the day he had left, that they didn't talk.

She was glad, they were not doing the avoidance waltz again. For once, her marriage did feel normal. She made her way to the washroom.

The previous three nights, she had one of the kids sleeping with her. They took turns. But tonight they had all slept off in their room earlier on. Ashvi and her had taken the kids out to the mall for a movie and then pizza, just like that. They had all returned exhausted and it was only a matter of half an hour until they were all out.

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