"Dean, hold up," Sam said. "How do we know we can trust her?"

"You-" He glanced at Mrs. Butters. "Look at her. It isn't that big of a stretch to think that the Men of Letters wouldn't have found somebody to help out. I mean, they were basically a bunch of uppity, preppy bachelors, you know? Having a... whatever she is -- it's almost required."

"Yeah, but-" Seylah began.

"Look, why don't -- why don't we go check it out, all right? If the nest is real, then she's telling the truth, and we know we just caught a serious break, and we have not been catching those lately."

"And if it isn't?"

"Then we deal with it."

Sam glanced at Mrs. Butters and nodded before asking, "What about Jack?"

"I'll stay with him," Seylah offered.

Dean nodded, walked to Jack's room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Jack?" He spoke softly. "Okay." He spoke in a louder tone. "Uh, listen, me and Sam -- we got to head out. Sey's gonna be around. Um, but, uh, we have a guest that's staying here... kind of. She's, uh -- She's probably harmless, but just in case, watch yourself, all right? And if anything happens, obviously, give us a call. And she's, uh -- she's making cookies. Snickerdoodle. So if you want some..." He spoke in a soft tone again. "Okay." He walked away from the door.



"Even if she is what she says she is, some kind of-" Sam was cut off.

"Magic Roomba?" Dean guessed.

"Whatever. Do you think it's a good idea having her around? Especially around my daughter?"

"W-" Dean began before sighing. "I mean, we do have the son of Satan living down the hall."

"I'm serious," Sam told him. "I mean, Chuck is deleting worlds. Amara is... somewhere. And Jack -- he's..."

"A mess."


"He'll be fine. I mean, I've been through worse. Sey's been through worse. Look at us. We're the pictures of health." He smiled.

"Ignoring your trauma doesn't make you healthy."

"Sure it does."

"Right. I don't know. Feels like Jack is hiding something."

"He just needs some time, you know, some space. It's the only thing that works. And maybe spending some time with Sey will help."

"I hope you're right."


Jack was laying on his bed. Seylah was sitting next to him, flipping through shows on an iPad.

A knock sounded at the door and Mrs. Butters said, "Hello, Jack? Sam and Dean told me you were going through a hard time. And I thought I'd make you and your friend a sandwich in case you were hungry. Well, I'll just -- I'll leave them outside the door in case you change your minds." She set the plates and napkins down.


Two vampires were watching a movie.

"Mr. Barnabas," a man said on the TV.

"Where are you going, Ben?" another man asked.

"Hey, how come vampires like that live in mansions and we live here?" one of the vampires wondered.

"In my new life, I have been discovering that I have some remarkable strange powers." The vampire grabbed a blood bag and put some into a cup.

"What kind of powers?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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