Seylah shrugged. "Well, it couldn't hurt. That's what you two always say, right?"

"And I don't know how much more of this "normal life" crap I can take, between the credit cards, the car trouble, the constant freaking heartburn."

"Well, you know, if you changed your diet you-" Sam cut himself off. "All I'm saying is that this place it's not even in the lore. Other than Garth, no one's ever even heard of it."

"No, it's there. It's gotta be. I mean, Chuck didn't do this to us just to teach us some messed-up lesson. You know, he wants us off our game. He wants us weak. 'Cause he's coming for us, Sammy, Sey. And when he does, if we haven't figured this out, we're DOA."


A phone rang and Castiel answered. "Hello?"

There was radio chatter and a railroad crossing bell clanked.

"Uh, yeah, uh, uh, Jeb Evans, Sheriff's Department, Cushing, Oklahoma. Uh, uh, I'm looking for an FBI Agent Watts?" the sheriff said.

"Um, yeah, Agent Watts is working a case in, uh, Alaska. This is Agent, uh, Lizzo."

"Hmm. Well, I guess a fed's a fed, right?" He chuckled. "Listen, we got a homicide down here, and my file says that our suspect might be one of yours."

"The murderer is someone we're looking for?"

"It says Agent Watts started a file on him last spring and to call with any information regarding a, uh, Jack Kline?"

Castiel held the phone a moment. "Jack."

"That name ring a bell?"



Brakes squeaked and Dean tapped Sam's shoulder. "Hey. Hey."

"What are we doing? Why did we stop?" Sam asked.

"Last call on food for the next few hundred miles."

"Grab something out of the cooler."

"Oh, yeah, no, I polished off the last of the sandwiches while you and Sey were out."

"We're on a budget," Seylah reminded him. "Papa says that's important."

A bell chimed as they walked in and Dean asked, "What can we get for, uh, $4.60?"

"Um, a slice of pie and a cup of coffee?" the waitress said.

"Of course. Three forks? Damnit, I was hoping for a cheeseburger."

"You can't even digest cheese anymore," Sam said.

"Dude. Lactaid."

"All right. So, if Garth is right, we take this road, but, honestly, it doesn't look like there's anything up there."

"Hey, how long have you lived here?" Seylah asked.

"All my life," the waitress replied.

"Great," Dean answered. "Can you tell us what is up that road?"

"No. Are you for real? Did Candy put you up to this?"

Seylah shook her head. "No, nobody put us up to this. We're -- We're just headed that way and wanted to know if there's anything up there."

"Um, forget it. Sounds nuts."

Dean chuckled. "Nuts is good. Yeah. A few Mister and Miss Freakin' Peanuts here."

The waitress chuckled. "Okay. There's... There's kind of this, um, urban legend around here, about this place in the middle of nowhere."

"It's a-a pool hall that is magic?" Sam asked.

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