"Okay, fine. Just give us a second to wrap this up, - and we'll come with you."

"No, no, no. No. I'm... I'm... I'm good. You guys stay, eat. It smells terrific."

Dean left the room, and Sam and Seylah, concerned, followed him out into the hall.

"Hey, Dean. Dean, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Just hold on. Slow down," Sam said.

"No, I'm good. I'm good," Dean replied.

"You're good? W-What does that mean you're..."

"It means I got to... I got to get out of here, okay? I just... I got to... I'm gonna take a drive, clear my head."


"Yeah, you know, you and Eileen, you guys are having fun. Sey's still obviously grieving Jack. I think some time to herself would be good. I don't want to spoil that, you know?"

"Yeah, go, go. Clear your head. Eileen and I have stuff to do."

"Yeah, I'll bet you do. Yeah? Hmm?"

"It's not like that. I-I-I meant looking for Chuck and Lilith and..."

"Sure. Got it. Um, okay, but if, uh, things go your way, just make sure you put the sock on the door so I know."

"Call us if you need us."

"Always do."

Sam returned to the kitchen. Jayci walked to her room and turned on The Clone Wars.

"Is he okay?" Eileen asked.

"I think. It's funny. After everything with Chuck, uh, Dean was so... down I-I-I thought he wouldn't get back up again, but... but now, him leaving? That's progress. Right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it is."


"Excuse me, Sheriff," Dean greeted.

"May I help you?" Sheriff Dillon asked.

"Agent Dukes."

"Dukes? Like "put up your dukes"?"


"Sheriff Dillon."

"Good to meet ya. Listen, I'm looking into the disappearance of Angela Sullivan."



"Uh, I wouldn't go that far."

"No? Why not?"

"Well, for one, Angela's car is gone. Cars don't usually disappear unless they're being driven somewhere."

"Okay, so you think what?"

"That girl wasn't taken. She left on her own."

"You sure about that?"

"Look, this is a small town. Angela's mom and dad passed a few years ago, but even before they did, she was talking about moving to L.A., trying to get on one of them competition shows, like the one with the "Knight Rider.""

"Right," Dean noted.

"It happens. Kids usually last about a week before they return. I stayed there a whole month. Oh, they don't know what they missed. I could've been the next Denzel. Huh?"

"All right. Uh, why would her friend report her missing?"

"I don't know. For the attention. Sally's got issues."

"What kind of issues?"

"The kind that keep her over at Swayze's Bar just about 24/7."

"Swayze. Sheriff, thank you for your time."

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