"Oh, my God. She's such a bitch," woman two complained.

Man three was sitting at a café table with another man. "Baby, it's not you. It's me."

"No, I don't think he took offense. You're awesome," man number four complimented.

Woman three was sitting with boy and husband on a bench. "Just because Mommy and Daddy aren't gonna be together, we still love you."

"I saw 'em at Coachella last year!" man five cried.

"Nothing's gonna change," a dad with a wife and boy said.

"Greatest company to work for," another man said.

"You won't be disappointed," man six promised.

"I don't have any problem with those," man seven said.

"You're my best friend."

"Your, um... profile said 6'1"," a tall woman said.

"I am. Basically," a short man replied.

"You're finally getting a break."

"It's good to see you."

"Come on, baby."

Jack said to himself, "Why does everyone..."

"That's not porn. I-I don't know what that was," man eight said.

Jack turned to face the people he'd just passed, eyes glowing yellow. "Stop lying!"

The conversations stopped for a second, then resumed.


The Impala pulled up in front of the Mirror Universe building, engine rumbling. Seylah had refused to go with her uncle for the time being.

Sam was on the phone. "Yeah, I know it's a long shot, Rowena, but just try, okay? I mean, try." Sam exhaled sharply.

"She in?" Dean asked.

"She thinks it's dangerous and insane. But, yeah, she's in."

"Well, she knows what Jack is capable of."

Sam smirked and they got out of the car.

As Sam and Dean entered the building, a man on a scooter rode past them. "Excuse me. Coming through."

Sam and Dean looked around the office as the walked towards the receptionist. Indistinct office conversations occurred around them.

"Nerds," Dean commented.

"Takes one to know one," Sam told him.


"You know. Come on, man. You're always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every Led Zeppelin song -- backwards and forwards -- you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between '67 and '84, and... Dean, you watch "Jeopardy!" every night."

"Okay. All right, yeah."

"But we're nothing like these, uh, you know, gaggle of Zuckerbergs."

"Th-They're not-" Sam scoffed. "Mirror Universe builds facial-recognition software. They've got contracts with -- with basically every law-enforcement agency on the planet."

"Okay. So?"

"So w-we need to track Jack, but he flies, so if we can't go ahead and track his license plate, maybe we can track his-"

"His face," Sam finished.

"His face, exactly. Okay. Oh, I got this."

Dean approached the receptionist, showing his FBI badge.

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