Chapter Three

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"Here you are boys," Miss Song came by cheery as usual with a nice warm plate of tteokbokki. "Mmmm, thank you Miss Song," Taeyeon said closing his eyes as the wonderful smell. Weizhe eagerly looked at the delicious food, fish cakes were included. They all dug in greedily.

"So, Weizhe," Hanseo began, his mouth full of food, "is your hair naturally that colour?" Weizhe shook his head before swallowing, "I dye it a lot." Jaemin slapped Jiseok on the back, making him jump, "so does Jiseokie!" He got a little excited. "I like lighter colours on my hair," Jiseok said proudly, "it suits me better and my parents can't change it." He laughed along with the others.

"You know what would be so good right now," Jaemin began, "soup dumplings." "Ah stop, I would kill for soup dumplings right now," Minseong chimed in. "I saw dumplings over there," Weizhe pointed out the window to a stall in the street. Minseong and Jaemin quickly looked at eachother before jumping up, leaving their school bags and racing out to the dumplings stall.

"Did you bring money?" Jaemin asked. Minseong searched his pockets and pulled out 10,000₩. The man at the stall placed 8 dumplings into a little styrofoam container and handed it to Jaemin, "that'll be 6,000₩ please boys." He held out his hand for Minseong to pay. The pair sat on a bench not far from the stall, Jaemin handed Minseong a pair of wooden disposable chopsticks and they ate til their hearts content.

"No, I'm an only child," Weizhe answered. "Wah, let's swap," Taeyeon responded thinking of his sisters. Just then, Minseong and Jaemin returned, "did you get any?" Jiseok asked, they nodded, "they were delicious." They wrapped up eating and went their separate ways home, Taeyeon and Jiseok of course went together.


"Last time I checked, you couldn't do it either." Taeyeon said proudly, he and Jiseok were walking side by side in the evening moonlight as they headed towards Taeyeon's house. "At least my voice didn't crack though," Jiseok laughed. "Yah!" Taeyeon exclaimed between giggles as he began to chase Jiseok down the road.

Eventually, they arrived at Taeyeon's house. "Wait here, I'll make sure the coast is clear," Taeyeon said cautiously, his parents had given strict instructions to not have any of his 'up to no good' friends staying over. This theme was present for almost all of the boys, except Jaemin, his dad adored the boys.

Taeyeon went inside leaving Jiseok just outside the front door. The house was grand, he came from a relatively wealthy family, dark navy blue bricks lined the walls, accompanied by a dark grey roof. A quiet meow caught Jiseok's attention. "Oh hello," Jiseok crouched down to pet the little black and white cat, this was Mia, she was Taeyeon's pride and joy.

"All clear," Taeyeon poked his head out the door and welcomed him in. Jiseok picked up the cat and walked inside, they both walked up the large staircase, careful not to make too much noise. They lay on Taeyeon's bed and used their phones while having the odd conversation.

"You know, Weiz..." Jiseok said without taking his eyes of his phone, "I think we should try get him to join our band." "Weiz?" Taeyeon noticed the sudden nickname. "It's easier to say than Weizhe," Jiseok said with a slight chuckle. "To be honest, I didn't expect him to be that good, in-fact I didn't expect him to even play them," Taeyeon said raising his eyebrows.

Jiseok sat up and set his phone down, "he's perfect, the exact person we needed." "Definitely, we can meet up on Saturday, I'll suggest it to Hanseo." Taeyeon too sat up. Just then, there was a knock at the door causing Taeyeon and Jiseok to stare at eachother shocked. "Quick hide, get-" Taeyeon pushed Jiseok off the bed and with a thud he landed on the floor.

The door opened at the exact same time and unfortunately, the side Jiseok fell was facing the door, he was not hidden at all. He gave a sly smile showing his white teeth to whoever opened the door. "Oh hello Jiseok-ah," it was Taeyeon's older sister, Choi Eunkyung. Born in 2001, she has a raspy voice some consider her to be 'not so ladylike' so to speak. Her dark, wavy hair was almost always in a ponytail and she had curtain bangs. Eunkyung and Taeyeon are super close.

"Uh Yeon-ah, eomma's mad at you," she simply stated. "Why?" He asked semi-confused as he was used to getting told off but he hadn't done anything that bad recently. "How am I supposed to know," Eunkyung remarked, "she's in the dining room." And with that Eunkyung shut the door.

Taeyeon let out a groan before falling face first onto his bed, on the other hand, Jiseok still lay on the floor. "I'll be right back, don't leave this room," Taeyeon peeked over the edge at his friend, he then got up and left the room. Jiseok looked around the room and got himself up.

He walked towards the bass guitar in the corner and plucked a couple strings. He quickly grabbed the strings soon after, remembering he can't make any noise, this however put him in a worse situation. The guitar fell over with a loud clash, pulling down a glass from Taeyeon's night stand onto the floor. The glass shattered loudly on the hard wood floor.

"What was that?" Taeyeon's mother stopped mid rant, her eyes to the ceiling. Taeyeon sighed knowing exactly what caused the clatter, "uh Mia's in my room, I should go che-" "I'm not done with you Choi Taeyeon." Her voice was stern. There was a pack of cigarettes sitting on the dining room table - a pack that did previously belong to Taeyeon.

"Smoking!?" Heejin exclaimed, "Taeyeon-ah! Of all things, smoking!?" Her voice was loud, anger filled words spat from her mouth. "The low grades, the loud music, the disruption in class, fighting! And now..." she let out a chuckle in disbelief, "Now smoking!?" She took a pause to walk in a small circle, "I mean...Taeyeon-ah, seriously!?" Heejin put her hands on her hips and looked down.

That's when she spotted something. "What is that?" She asked, eyes wide pointing at her sons arm. He quickly moved it behind his back, "nothing." She gave him an angered look, walking towards him, Heejin grabbed his arm. She studied the image, "Are you out of control!" She yelled, "I've had enough of this shit, I'll discuss this with your father before figuring out what to do with you." She was breathless, the anger couldn't even be described.

"For now, give me your phone, credit card and your ID card, how did you even get tattoos!? You're 16 for god sake!" And with that Taeyeon handed over his phone, credit card and his ID card. He was in huge trouble this time, not to mention his best friend who is secretly upstairs.

He slammed the door upon entering his room again, he threw himself on the bed raising his hands to cover his eyes. Taeyeon let out a huge sigh, "lord save me," he said semi-sarcastically. "What was that all about?" Jiseok sat on the edge of his bed. "Cigarettes and tattoos of course!"

The remainder of the night the pair kept the noise down and when Taeyeon's father came home, Taeyeon just pretended to be asleep as he didn't want to deal with more lecturing at the moment. "Here," Taeyeon handed a pillow and blanket down to Jiseok who was going to sleep on the floor beside the bed - the side which was next to the window rather than the door.

And so the night crept in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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