Chapter Two

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A light breeze blew by on this warm autumn day. The sun shining on all the young faces, even a new one. "Omo! Who is that?" A girl grabbed her friend by the arm and held her other hand over her mouth. Her friend followed her gaze, she too was left jaw on the floor.

The wind ruffled through his light brown hair, his skin clear and smooth. "He could be a model!" A boy shouted earning the new students attention, he flashed a smile in their direction. It was a scene straight out of a Kdrama. This new student was Liu Weizhe. He walked down the hall to the teachers office as previously instructed.

"Ah~ Liu Weizhe?" Mr Lee spoke happily as he stood up from his desk. Weizhe bowed to him, "hello I'm Mr Lee." He held out his hand to shake Weizhe's, "firm handshake indeed, Miss Yeo I think we have a record breaker here." Miss Yeo laughed as she responded, "Minseong will be upset."


"Yah Minseong-ah! Give me it back." Jaemin yelled reaching over his desk to grab the back of Minseong's collar. "Neber." Minseong said in heavily accented English, he smiled as he played the game using Jaemin's phone. "Yah! I swear if you make me die!" He leaned over Minseong's shoulder to watch.

"Hanseo-ssi, care to join?" Jiseok said in a posh accent as he and Taeyeon leaned against the classroom door. Taeyeon held up a lighter, everyone knows what that means. Hanseo eagerly got up and the three snuck out of the classroom to go smoke a cigarette each.

"Aaahh~" Taeyeon sighed as he breathed out the smoke. "That new guy's gonna be here today," Jiseok stated. "That's today?" Hanseo questioned, "yes dumbass 'that's today'" Taeyeon mocked. "Yah! Shut it, I just forgot." Hanseo defended himself. "Alright mom and dad quit yapping," Jiseok butts in. "We found love in a hopeless place~" Taeyeon sings loudly in his limited English, he got a slap from Hanseo in returned. "Yah, and you say I'm the dumbass" He shakes his head.


"Alright class, good morning," Mr Lee walked in with the new student walking behind. He stood at the side of Mr Lee with his hands in his pockets, confidence seeped out of him but not in an arrogant way more like an expensive self worth. Mr Lee scanned the room, he pointed to the three empty desks at the back, "and where might the three amigos be?" He asked staring right at Minseong and Jaemin who where sat side by side. The boys shrugged their shoulders.

Mr Lee sighed, "alright seems like mr class president and his accomplices will be marked down as la-"
Before Mr Lee could finish his sentence the back door of the classroom slid open aggressively, "sorry Mr Lee we were uh..." Jiseok rubbed the nape of his neck and looked up as if searching for the answer on the roof. "Miss Woo needed us to help her with books," Hanseo quickly interrupted. Mr Lee gave them a suspicious look but let it pass.

They sat down in their respective seats and Jaemin hopped back into his usual desk. Minseong giggled as he turned to look at the boys, "searching for the answer in God," he put his hands together as if he was praying as he briefly closed his eyes. Jiseok couldn't help but laugh, "yah!" "Boys, quiet please." Mr Lee requested. "Minseong-ssi facing me please."

"Alright, this is our new student." Weizhe shyly smiled and bowed to the class. Murmurs were heard around the room. "He is really good looking..." Jaemin said in awe. "Settle down class, introduce yourself." He gestured to Weizhe. "Hello I'm Liu Weizhe and uh help care uh we will friends." He finished with a smile, the class giggled, "alright Weizhe take a seat next to Minseong down there, Minseong-ah raise your hand please."

Weizhe looked between the two wide eyed and confused, he had a confused smile on his face. "Oh uh..." Mr Lee pointed to Minseong and then the empty seat beside him. Weizhe understood and bowed before walking down to the seat next to Minseong. "Hi Weizhe, I'm Minseong." Minseong held out a hand to shake which Weizhe gladly took.

"Ok, Hanseo will collect your homework, I expect everyone to have this done as it was given over a week ago. That'll be all, have a good day folks." And with that Mr Lee stacked his books and left. Hanseo got up and stood at the front. "Homework please guys," he said with no fear. The class began placing their pages infront of Hanseo, all except for Jiseok and Taeyeon. "You didn't do it?" Taeyeon asked to which Jiseok gave him a sly smile. "Yahahah." Taeyeon laughed as the pair shared a fist bump.

"Minseong-ah," a girl from infront of him turned around. "Yes, Yoon Areum-ssi?" He blinked twice in a funny manner as though he was fluttering his eyelashes. "Give me your homework." She demanded, "why?" Minseong gasped. "Because you're going to fail it so let me write some of my answers down for you." Areum was a small girl, she had shoulder length dark hair with bangs, she was very kind and had a HUGE crush on Minseong.

The lunch bell came rolling around after the morning classes. The students let out a sigh of relief. "Aish, this has to be a joke," Jiseok complained. "Hm? Why?" Taeyeon replied, Jiseok handed him his phone. Taeyeon took it and read the texts.

Mom: Come straight home after school!!

Me: why? Did something happen?

Mom: your grades is what happened! No more hanging out with that lot and consider your little keyboard hobby over, I've told the music shop that you're returning it

Me: Eomma why?? I tried I swear, I've been going to the academy, keyboard is my only happiness don't take it away seriously

Mom: I don't care Jiseok! I put my whole life on the floor so you can be happy, your dad is returning the keyboard as soon as he gets home from work.

Jiseok: whatever

Mom: don't you dare 'whatever' me! Don't bother coming home until I see a pass on your report card I mean it Park Jiseok, I have had enough of you crap!

Taeyeon blew out, "yikes." "I know right, fuck her," Jiseok said clearly annoyed. "Stay at mine tonight, it'll be better than going home to that mess," Taeyeon offered. They may come across as rebellious and rude but they will always have each others backs.

"Music room." Hanseo said hitting Taeyeon on the back as he walked by. He was followed by Jaemin, Minseong and of course Weizhe. The music room was their regular hangout spot when they weren't hiding next to the unused sports shed to smoke. The six of them filed in one after the other and took random seats around the room, some of which were tables, pianos stools and the odd chair.

"My mom is taking away my keyboard." Jiseok said look down at the drumstick he was fiddling with. "Aw what?" Hanseo said defeated, "she's so horrible to you for no reason like it's only grades." "Haha yeah easy for you to say mr class president." Jiseok said in an annoyed tone. Before Hanseo could answer Jaemin spoke, "guys, let's not. Jiseok you could use the schools one." Jiseok gave him a look as to say are you serious?

"I could ask my brother to get you one." Minseong said plainly, he never took his eyes off the game he was still playing on Jaemin's phone. Jiseok perked up, "wait seriously?" "Yeah of course, you can keep it at mine so your mom doesn't know." Minseong said still not taking his eyes off the game. Jiseok let out a laugh and high fived Minseong.

"Can I have those?" Weizhe said carefully choosing his words. Jiseok looked down at the drumsticks in his hands then back at Weizhe, "yeah sure." Weizhe took the drumsticks and headed over to the drum kit in the corner. He began pounding a few of the drums before he played a beat, Hanseo and Taeyeon shared a look of excitement.

Nothing else was said about Weizhe's amazing talent for the rest of the day and just like that the final bell rang out ending the day. "Finally," Minseong rolled his eyes defeated. "I don't like him," Weizhe said quietly, meaning the last teacher. "Yeah he's a bum, no one likes him," Minseong agreed, "hey if you want you can come get tteokbokki with us, we usually go to this one place everyday after school." Minseong suggested. "Yeah sure," Weizhe smiled, his eyes almost closing fully.

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