Chapter One

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"Noo..." An annoyed voice rang throughout the busy classroom, this voice belonged to Jaemin. Sat in the corner at his desk beside Hanseo. The five boys had claimed the desk in the very far right corner as well as the one beside it on the back row and lastly the one infront beside the wall. It was there little den. Jiseok and Taeyeon sat in the back row, middle desk while Minseong sat at infront of Jaemin and Hanseo with a vacant seat next to him.

Jaemin threw his phone down on the table. "Ahahaha," Minseong burst out laughing loudly which earned him a punch to the arm from Jaemin, "Yah!" The laughter still exploded even with the pain of the punch lingering on Minseong's right arm.

Next to them, Taeyeon and Jiseok were discussing something rather important. "What about him...?" Jiseok said pointing using his pencil at a boy, sitting in the front with round glasses on. "Definitely not." Came the blunt reply from Taeyeon, "maybe....hmm nope definitely no one here." The two gave up with a sigh.

They were desperately searching for a drummer to complete their little band. As of now, they have a keyboardist, Synthesizer, rhythm guitarist, main guitarist and a bassist but no band is complete without drums.

"Sit down students, settle down." A man in his mid fifties walked in. He was balding and had wrinkles forming, he was the form tutor, Mr Lee. "Right..." He placed a few books down on the podium at the front while the class got into their respective seats. "Good morning all, autumn seems to be rolling in nicely, anyway, announcements."

He was right, autumn was fast approaching. The leaves on the trees had began to change colour and the ground was always covered by their crunchy scenery. Mr Lee finished up with the brief announcements regarding the usual of anti bullying, cleaning duties and of course homework.

"Ok so you five," he pointed at the five boys at the back, they were well known for their antics, "come with me." He finished up leaving the boys puzzled. "Oh no, do you think...?" Minseong couldn't even finish before receiving a harsh wack to the head from behind. "There's no way," Hanseo scolded.

"Anytime today boys," Mr Lee poked his head in the door. "Ah yeah," a chorus erupted, they quickly gathered themselves and followed him out. They followed from a distance heading to the teachers office to Mr Lee's desk. "Alright boys, I've seen how well you all get along." They stood froze in their spot worrying about what he may or may not know.

"Tomorrow there will be a new student." He continued, "he is from China, so his Korean is great." "You want us to teach him Korean?" Hanseo interrupted. "Now now Hanseo-ah, I know you're the class president but you're not quite qualified for such.." Mr Lee joked, "however, I do want you five to make it easier for him, lend him a helping hand and whatnot."

The boys left once the discussion came to a close and they gathered one conclusion; transfer student fake friends. "It's kind of unfair if you think about it," Jiseok began, "Right? Like poor transfer kid, his first friends are gonna be fake." Taeyeon laughed. "Taeyeon-ah!" A female voice shouted from the other end of the corridor, it was Kim Seyeon, Taeyeon's girlfriend. "I'll catch you guys later." They shared a handshake and off they went.

"Seyeon-ah, what's up?" Taeyeon said as he approached her. "Do you want to go somewhere with me," she spoke with a mischievous grin on her face which met Taeyeon's eyes as he too returned the grin. She grabbed his hand and ran outside.


The bell rang out and the class found their seats once more, a gust of air blew by as Taeyeon placed himself down beside Jiseok. "Where the hell-" he paused as he stared at Taeyeon, he let out a giggle. Taeyeon used his hands to wipe all over his face, "what... what is it?" Jiseok couldn't keep a straight face, "ah~ young love." He earned a slap on the arm, "Yah, you talk like an old man, quit laughing."

The pink lipgloss stain remained on Taeyeon's shirt collar for the rest of the day, the boys let it become the joke of the day. The bell rang for the final time that day and everyone gathered their things. "Tteokbokki?" Hanseo suggested to his friends to which of course they willingly agreed.

The five boys walked to the best tteokbokki store in the area. When they entered, Miss Song greeted them, "hello boys!" She was a very smiley woman who enjoyed the company of her customers. They sat down at a table in the corner. "Are we excited for tomorrow~" Jiseok chimed. "Aish i forgot about that," Minseong said rolling his eyes. "Here's your tteokbokki boys, enjoy~" Miss Song swooped in with a large dish full of spicy red tteokbokki and five individual bowls.

They greedily tucked in. "This would be so much nicer with cheese," Hanseo said drooling, "but someone-" hinting at Minseong with a stare, "doesnt like cheese." "How barbaric!" Jaemin said dramatically. "It's barbaric how you guys would want some sticky, stringy, gross, nasty, yellow shit all over this amazing tteokbokki." Minseong shot back in a slightly annoyed voice. "And what are you even saying Hanseo-ah, you're literally lactose intolerant." The whole table erupted with laughter including Hanseo and Minseong.

A few conversations later and the tteokbokki had been completely cleared up. The boys rested back against the chairs, hands on their tummys. "I don't need anymore food for a week," Minseong announced, "Same here." Taeyeon agreed. Just then Jiseok's phone began to ring.

Caller ID: 엄마 (Eomma)

"Aish, why can't she leave me alone for just five minutes." He complained before answering.

Jiseok: Hello eomma

Mom: why aren't you at the academy?

Jiseok rolled his eyes

Jiseok: I wanted dinner with my friends eomma

Although he was annoyed by this unwanted lecture, his tone stayed relatively neutral.

Mom: Come on Jiseok-ah, I'm trying so hard here and you decide to go splash out on some unhealthy junk while your grades go to shit

Jiseok: ugh eomma, I'll go after I eat I promise

Mom: you better or I'll get your dad to come right down and there will be consequences. I'm hanging up

Jiseok: bye-

"What was that all about?" Hanseo asked. "Academy of course!" Came the sarcastic answer from Jiseok, he rolled his eyes, "she thinks that it'll help fix my grades, I'm not going to college so why does it matter?" He winked and stuck out his tongue earning a laugh from the others. "I'll leave first, bye." Jiseok stood up and left to go to the academy before his mom rips him a new mouth.

"I should probably get going too or else my dad will think I've thrown myself under a bus." Jaemin saluted as he stood up too. "Annyeong," Minseong said loudly. "Should we go to the spot? I have..." Taeyeon showed the inside of his blazer pocket to reveal a pack of cigarettes. The other two looked at eachother and smiled widely and with a nod they all got up to go to 'the spot'.

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