"What's the plan, Superman?" Damon asked his brother

"The plan, suicide squad is to find a cure," Tori told Damon

"We are going to find a way out of this," Stefan told his brother

"Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one," Damon told Stefan and Tori

"I am working on it and so is Bonnie," Tori told Damon

"Honey, I love you but I hate to break it to you. You don't have your magic to help you out now and by the time you get it I will be dead," Damon told his daughter

"I am smart, I will figure something out," Tori told her father

"I am dying....Just tell me goodbye, get it over with," Damon told Stefan and Tori

"No one is saying goodbye. I don't care what I have to do but you are not dying. Do you hear me Dad, you are not dying!" Tori told Damon before leaving the cellar.

Damon watched as Tori walked away completely unaware she had just called him Dad. Damon smiled briefly as he relished the fact Tori had called him dad for the first time.

"You need to live for that. Live for your daughter, Damon. Lie still and conserve your strength," Stefan told Damon as he started coughing up blood.


Alaric sat at the bar drinking his sorrows away when he was approached by Stefan. Tori had texted him saying she was on a lead to finding the cure while Bonnie told him to meet her at the Old Witch house.

"Sorry, you've reached somebody who's currently not operating," Alaric told Stefan as he drank his scotch

"I need your help,' Stefan told the hunter

"Well, you must have me confused with somebody else. You see, I'm not allowed to help, just idly sit by while my girlfriend gets sacrificed on an altar of blood," Alaric told the vampire bitterly

"You did help. You kept Tori safe. Look Damon is dying," Stefan told Alaric

"What?" Alaric asked in shock

"Tyler Lockwood bit him. We don't have much time," Stefan told Alaric

"What do you need?" Alaric asked sobering up

"You need to babysit Damon. He is on a suicide mission. Tori is there at the house trying to figure something out but I need you to look after him," Stefan told the hunter "Look, Damon is locked in the cellar of the house. Be careful and give him some blood and bourbon from time to time. I'll call you when I find something," Stefan said

"Okay. Call me if you need anything else," Alaric said as he left the bar.

Stefan looked at his phone, they were running out of time and Tori hadn't messaged him yet. Bonnie had told him that she could hold a seance and ask one of the witch ancestors for a solution so they planned to meet at the Old Witch House. Stefan quickly texted Tori the plan before rushing to Elena's house. He needed to tell Elena in case things went wrong.


Tori knew she couldn't use her magic at least for a while, so she knew that she had to rely on traditional methods to find a solution. She hoped that Bonnie would be able to get the answers in case she didn't because as much as she tried to keep Damon at a distance she loved him and couldn't fathom the thought of losing him.

"Okay Victoria, you're smart and strong. Let's see...." Tori told herself as she laid out all the spell books

"Nature always finds a way to balance itself.....think if a vampire can be killed by werewolf venom there has to be a cure," Tori spoke to herself as she went through the grimoire.

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