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The next morning Emberlynn went to the hospital by herself due to her brother having to take care of stuff with their father

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The next morning Emberlynn went to the hospital by herself due to her brother having to take care of stuff with their father. The girl sat in the hospital chair just looking at her mother watching the women breathe. She was hoping that any minute now her mom would open her ocean blue eyes. "Come on mom, you've got to wake up please, I can't do this without you. We need you. Your the mom of the Rez, I'm so sorry your in this situation it's my fault. If I would have just listened to you we wouldn't be here, we'd be baking cookies and having a mother daughter movie night." Emberlynn stated softly looking at her mom like she was talking to her. "Paul said he'd be here as soon as he could, he had to deal with stuff with our asshole father." She continued. The girl sighed and leaned forward. "If something happens, just know Paul and I will be ok we've got each other. I hope it doesn't come down to that though because I still need my mom. There is so much for you to teach me and see me do. Like you've got to see me graduate, get married, and have kids. You've got to teach me through all this magic mojo that I'm slowly getting control over. Please mommy come back to me." The girl whispered before sobbing out. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she was the reason for her mother's death, hell she didn't even want to think about that subject but no one knew what the future holds.

After a couple hours of talking to the sleeping woman Emberlynn fell asleep on the bay window cushion in her mothers room. Paul sighed as he walked into the room. He had to deal with his fathers bullshit once again and had to try hard not to lose control and attack the man. Once the boy looked up from the floor he smiled softly at the sight of his sister sleeping. He knew she had tossed and turned a couple times last night and was glad she was getting some rest. Paul walked over and stood by his mothers bed and kissed the top of her head. "I'm here mom." He said softly before walking over to his sister and crouching down in front of her and moving some of her hair out of her face frowning when he saw tear stains. "Ah Em" he mumbled softly before putting his hand on the girls arm. "Hey Em." He stated gently trying not to scare the younger teen slowly the girls eyes opened smiling softly at her brother. "Hey Paulie." She mumble sleepily. "Have you eaten yet?" Paul asked already knowing she hasn't. "No, I wanted to wait on you. Figured we could eat in the cafeteria together." She explained causing her brother to nod. "Go ahead and start heading down I wanna say bye to mom." She stated softly standing up. "Alright I see you down there." Paul stated walking out the room. Emberlynn walked over to her mother and grabbed the women's hand. "We'll be back mommy, we're going to get some food. I love you." She whispered kissing her mom's forehead before walking out the door. What the red head didn't notice was the blue glow coming from her hand when she grabbed her mother's hand.

 What the red head didn't notice was the blue glow coming from her hand when she grabbed her mother's hand

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