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It's been a couple weeks and Emberlynn's arm was feeling better

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It's been a couple weeks and Emberlynn's arm was feeling better. The girl was currently cleaning her room because Embry decided he wanted to start a popcorn fight while they were watching their movie.

As the girl bent down to pick some paper up something few off her dresser hitting the wall. Hearing the thud Emberlynn quickly turned around and seen the picture of her and Jacob on the floor when they were younger. "What the hell?" She mumbled before something else flew off. The girl was starting to get scared because objects were magically fly off stuff so she did the one thing she always did. "Mom! Paul!" She yelled out panicked. Causing the two down stairs to drop what they were doing and rush up. "Ember what's wrong?" Her mother asked concerned as she walked to her daughter. As the girl went to explain a pillow flew across the room and hit Paul in the face. "That's the problem!" The girl exclaimed trying to hold her laughter in cause this was a serious matter. Genevieve sighed Emberlynn's powers started sooner then they were supposed to. "Alright honey why don't we go down stairs and talk." Emberlynn nodded agreeing with her mother.

When they got downstairs' Genevieve explained everything she could leaving the shifters out because her son was sitting right there and was expecting to shift soon. The girl looked at her mother in disbelief. "I'M A WHAT?!" Emberlynn exclaimed. The girl just shook her head. "No that's not true, That's a made up fairy tale they aren't real! Mom your losing you mind! Emberlynn exclaimed which pissed Paul off. "Emberlynn Grace sit your ass down right now! You do not talk to her like that!" Paul scolded causing her to sit and look at her big brother. He's never yelled at her before especially never talked to her like that. "Paul honey it's ok she's under a lot of stress right now." The boy just nodded but was still pissed at his sister for talking to their mom like that. The boy didn't want to be mad at his sister but the past couple weeks he's noticed that his temper has gotten worst to the point he was starting to decide to go stay with his father. It didn't help that Sam's and Jared has disappeared and not talking to him. Emberlynn continued to stare at her brother she was pissed How dare he snap at her she has a right to panic. "You don't get to snap at me Paul, I have every right to be upset!" The girl countered back. "Emberlynn you don't get it mom couldn't tell you until it came time!" Paul snapped not realizing he was shaking. "You knew! Of course you knew! Who else fucking knew?!" Genevieve noticed the boy shaking and quickly made a call. "Alright you two calm down and stop arguing. Paul honey why don't we go outside." Genevieve stated gently leading the boy outside. Emberlynn followed them outside. "Yeah Paul go cool down and when you come back don't be a ass." She exclaimed and that was the final straw for Paul as he phased.

Sadly Genevieve was to close and ended up getting hit by Paul's claws. Emberlynn screamed and fell back to the ground because one she didn't expect her brother to turn into a wolf and Two her mom just got hurt. Jared and Sam rushed out when they heard the scream. Sam who was in wolf form pulled Paul into the woods while Jared rushed to Genevieve's side. The boy noticed the marks went from face to her side to her hip. "Little flame I need you to call 911 so we can get your mom help." The red head just stared at her mothers figure. This was her fault, She should have just listened to her mother and stopped fussing with her brother. "Emberlynn Grace!" Jared snapped cause her to look at her brother figure. "Go call a ambulance." He stated firmly causing the girl to rush in the house and call.

While Emberlynn was in the house Sam and Paul rushed out. "Where's Em?" Paul asked as he crouched down beside his mother. "In the house calling 911." Jared explained "Paul." Jared stated softly catching his best friend's attention. "She's blaming herself." The boy had saw the guilty look on the girls face and knew right away she was blaming herself. "Their on the way." Emberlynn stated rushing out the house. Paul quickly stood up and pulled his sister into a hug holding the back of her head while her head was buried in his chest. Both teens holding nothing but guilt because their mother was hurt because of them.

 Both teens holding nothing but guilt because their mother was hurt because of them

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——————————————————What do you guys thinks going to happen to Genevieve?

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What do you guys thinks going to happen to Genevieve?

How do you think Paul and Emberlynn
will handle the guilt?

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