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After arriving home Genevieve dropped Embry and Emberlynn off so she could go get the medicine

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After arriving home Genevieve dropped Embry and Emberlynn off so she could go get the medicine. The two went up to Emberlynn's room to just talk until whoever got there. "Why did Jake snap at Bella? He's always had a crush on her." Emberlynn asked after they got settled on her bed. Embry looked at his cousin like she had lost her mind "What are you talking about?" Embry asked he didn't think his younger cousin was that dense. Emberlynn sighed. "I mean he's liked Bella since we were kids why do you think she always hung out with us." Embry has officially thought his cousin was stupid. How could the girl not tell that Jacob Black was completely and utterly in love with her. "Lynn, he doesn't love Bella." Embry exclaimed causing the girl too look at him. "What do you mean?" She asked softly Embry just sighed looking toward his cousin "He's in love with you Lynn! Just like you love
him act on it!" Embry stated tapping the girl on the forehead to try and get his words processed in her thick skull.

The girl just looked at him shocked. She always thought her best friend was in love with the swan girl not her. "Really?" She mumbled causing her cousin to nod. "He's always loved you Lynn he just thought you didn't love him back." The girl smiled softly looking up at her ceiling. Her feelings were actually returned and weren't just one sided.

After laying on her bed for a while both teens ended up falling asleep beside each other like they did when they were younger. When Paul and Jared walked in the first thing they realized was that it was completely silent. Paul knew that his mother figure dropped the younger ones off because she called and told them. Both boy shared a confused look "Maybe there in Em's room." Paul suggested before the two rushed up. They noticed the girls door was open a little bit so they pushed it open the rest of the way smiling at the sight in front of them. Both teens were on top of the covers facing each other with Embry's arm around the girl in a protective way and her forehead against his chest. Everyone was already used to them sleeping like that because it's how they slept when they were younger.

After checking on the younger teens both boys walked downstairs. "This Bella predicament is getting to be to much." Paul stated sighed as he sat on the couch. " I mean who's to say she won't hurt Em worst next time? We're lucky Embry was there or it could have been worst." Paul ranted out. The older boy couldn't understand how someone could hurt his sister the girl always tried to get along with everyone she ever met and didn't try to cause problems. Growing up Emberlynn always stayed to herself she was a shy little thing unless you were family or she trusted you. "I don't know Paul, but she better hope us older ones don't witness it. Jake said earlier he was going to talk to his dad about banning Bella if she does it again." Jared explained from when he talked to Jacob before they left the hospital. The boys sat in quietness until they heard foot step turning toward the stairs they saw a half asleep ember. "Sleep well little flame?" Jared asked only to be ignore by the girl who walk over to the couch and laid between the two with her head on her brothers lap and her legs on top of Jared's. The boys knew it was the meds they gave her at the hospital so they didn't mind. "Get some sleep Em, we'll be right here when you walk up." Paul reassured his sister running his fingers through her hair as she slowly fell asleep as Jared just smiled slightly at the sibling interaction. "I'm surprised she even left Embry." Jared stated softly so he didn't wake his younger sister figure up. Paul just nodded agreeing with his best friend. So the boys just sat there and talked while they let Emberlynn rest for how ever long she wanted.

 So the boys just sat there and talked while they let Emberlynn rest for how ever long she wanted

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How her and Embry were laying

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How her and Embry were laying

How her and Embry were laying

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