Teasing in the aftermath:

The room was steeped in the hushed aftermath of their passionate encounter, the air thick with the mingling scents of sweat and desire. Y/n and Jungwon lay entangled on the tousled bed, their limbs tangled and their breathing gradually evening out.

As the minutes passed, the room remained cloaked in silence, a tranquil bubble that held them suspended in the aftermath of their shared intimacy. The alcohol in their systems further blurred the lines between consciousness and dreams.

Suddenly, the door to the room swung open, the sound breaking through the stillness like an unwelcome intrusion. Y/n and Jungwon both stirred at the unexpected intrusion, their bleary eyes focusing on the figure in the doorway.

"Ah, there you two are," Heeseung's voice cut through the air, laced with amusement and an air of teasing. He stood in the doorway, his expression a mix of playful mischief and mock surprise as he took in the sight before him.

Y/n's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she instinctively pulled the disheveled sheets tighter around her, her heart racing from the combination of alcohol and the unexpected interruption.

Jungwon, too, shifted, his groggy gaze locking onto Heeseung. His lips curved into a lopsided smile, a mixture of amusement and a hint of defiance in his expression. "Seems like you found us."

Heeseung chuckled, his eyes dancing with mirth as he stepped further into the room. "Oh, indeed I did. It's not every day I stumble upon such a scenic view."

Y/n's embarrassment deepened, and she shot a playful glare at Heeseung. "You could've knocked, you know."

Heeseung raised an eyebrow, his teasing grin unyielding. "And miss out on this priceless moment? I think not."

With a theatrical flourish, Heeseung pretended to bow, his amusement radiating off him. "Apologies for the intrusion, lovers. I'll leave you to your... activities."

As Heeseung turned to exit the room, Y/n let out a sigh of relief, her cheeks still tinged with embarrassment. Once the door closed, she turned her attention back to Jungwon, her playful scowl softening into a curious gaze.

Jungwon's gaze met hers, his expression a mix of amusement and affection. "Well, that was unexpected."

Y/n's lips curved into a smile, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the sheets. "Tell me about it."

A comfortable silence settled between them, the air charged with a mixture of emotions. Y/n's gaze grew more serious, her fingers gently brushing against Jungwon's arm. "Hey, did you... you know, use protection?"

Jungwon's expression shifted, his brows furrowing slightly as he met her gaze. "I think so... I mean, I'm pretty sure I did."

Y/n's curiosity turned into a playful teasing, her eyes narrowing in mock suspicion. "Pretty sure? You better be very sure."

Jungwon chuckled, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair from Y/n's face. "Okay, okay, I'm sure. Don't worry."

Y/n grinned, her playfulness returning as she poked his chest lightly. "Good. We wouldn't want any unexpected surprises."

Jungwon's laughter filled the air, his fingers intertwining with Y/n's. "No, definitely not."

As their fingers laced together, they shared a moment of unspoken understanding, their connection deepening amidst the playful banter.

~ Next Morning ~

Throbbing heads:

The morning light filtered softly through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as Y/n and Jungwon gradually stirred from their slumber. Their heads throbbed in unison, the lingering effects of last night's festivities making themselves known.

Y/n shifted, her eyelids fluttering open as she let out a soft groan. Beside her, Jungwon mirrored her actions, his eyes squinting against the unwelcome sunlight. As their gazes met, a tired smile tugged at the corners of their lips.

"Ugh, my head," Y/n murmured, her voice a raspy whisper.

Jungwon chuckled, his voice equally hoarse. "Tell me about it."

For a moment, they simply lay there, tangled together in a cocoon of warmth and shared languor. The events of the previous night played like a hazy reel in their minds, memories of laughter, dancing, and the euphoria of the moment.

A soft rumble resonated through the room, interrupting their quiet reverie. Y/n's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "Well, someone's hungry."

Jungwon's laughter rumbled through his chest as he shifted to face her. "I think that someone might be both of us."

Y/n nodded in agreement, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the sheets. "Yeah, you're right."

With a shared chuckle, they extricated themselves from the tangle of sheets and sat up on the bed. The room felt hazy and disheveled, a reflection of their current state.

As Y/n moved to stand up, Jungwon's hand gently caught her wrist, halting her movement. She turned to him, her brows furrowing in question.

"Wait," Jungwon said, his gaze focused on her. "Let's just... stay here for a little longer."

Y/n smiled, understanding his sentiment. "Okay."

They settled back onto the bed, the comfortable silence between them punctuated only by the soft sounds of their breathing. Jungwon's arm draped around Y/n's shoulders, pulling her close in an embrace that felt both protective and intimate.

After a while, Y/n's stomach reminded them of its emptiness, emitting another rumble that elicited a shared chuckle.

"Okay, okay," Y/n said, her voice tinged with mirth. "I think it's time to find some food."

Jungwon nodded in agreement, his hand slipping from her shoulder to intertwine their fingers. "Agreed. Let's get some breakfast."

As they both stood up from the bed, Y/n began to retrieve her clothes to get dressed. However, Jungwon's amused voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Ah, hold on a second."

Y/n turned to him, a curious expression on her face. Jungwon walked over to the closet, retrieving a t-shirt that was conspicuously larger than her usual attire. He held it out to her with a playful grin.

"Here, wear this."

Y/n's brows quirked in surprise as she took the t-shirt from him. "Really? I mean, it's too big for me."

Jungwon chuckled, his gaze warm as he met her eyes. "I know, that's the point. Trust me, you'll look adorable."

With a mixture of bemusement and fondness, Y/n slipped the oversized t-shirt on, the fabric falling loosely around her frame. She glanced at herself in the mirror, a small smile tugging at her lips.

As they made their way downstairs to join the others for breakfast, Y/n's appearance didn't go unnoticed. Heeseung's eyes immediately lit up with amusement as he took in her attire.

"Well, well, Y/n," Heeseung teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Is that my shirt you're wearing?"

Y/n's cheeks flushed, and she quickly defended herself, her voice laced with mock indignation. "Hey, it's not what you think! Jungwon gave it to me."

Jungwon smirked, his arm draped casually around Y/n's shoulders as he joined in the banter. "Yep, it's my fault. She looked too cute in it, so I couldn't resist."

Heeseung raised an eyebrow, his grin growing wider. "Oh, I see. So, it's a joint effort then?"

Y/n playfully rolled her eyes, her lips curving into a sheepish smile. "You could say that."

As they settled into the breakfast table, surrounded by laughter and camaraderie, Y/n's hangover seemed to fade into the background. The lightness of the moment, the warmth of their friendships, and the shared glances between her and Jungwon all served to create a sense of comfort that she couldn't help but savor.

To be continued...

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