Chapter 32.

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I walked up to the door of Tara's house after being dropped off by a cab. No one was answering my calls, and that worried me because it was my turn with Abel. Gemma hadn't dropped him off or even called to let me know things had changed, and upon arrival, I realized that neither Tara nor Gemma's cars were parked out front.

I could feel the anxiety rise in my chest as my mind ran rampant with every possibility known to man. I instantly thought negatively because they were going against our routine, and I didn't know what was causing them to do so.

If Tara had decided to keep Abel then I'd be sure to tell Jax about it, because in my book this was borderline kidnapping, and I don't care how dramatic I sound.

However, before I could even think about going completely ballistic, Juice pulled into the driveway. My brows drew together in confusion upon seeing him, and I walked over to his bike.

"Hey, what's going on? No one is answering my calls," the frustration was evident in my voice.

Juice let out a sigh, "We're on lockdown. You have to come with me."

I blinked a couple times at his words. We only enforced a lockdown when someone was in danger, or the club was going to war. "Why, what's happened? Is someone hurt?"

"I'll tell you everything once you're safe at the club, but for now, you need to come with me." I nodded my head and wasted no time in getting on the back of his bike. I almost wanted to yell at him to hurry because I wanted to ensure Abel's safety. I wouldn't feel calm until I laid eyes on him and saw that he was okay.

Once we got to the clubhouse, I didn't even bother hearing Juice's explanation. I was too focused on Abel who was being swung by Gemma on the playground.

"Mommy!" Abel landed eyes on me and met me halfway. He was getting so big that he covered half my body, but that didn't stop me from swinging him around like he weighed nothing.

"Hey," I kissed his cheek and ran my hand through his soft, blonde hair. "I missed you today," I held his head in the crook of my neck and shot a glare at Gemma. I saw her visibly roll her eyes at me because she knew that I was angry.

"Juice can you take Abel inside for lunch?!" she shouted. Juice jogged over and gently took Abel from my arms, and put him on his shoulders. Abel giggled with glee at Juice's playful gesture, and the both of them disappeared inside while leaving me with Gemma.

The forced smile I was displaying instantly fell at their departure, and I turned to look at Gemma. "What is going on? Why are we on lockdown? Better yet, why didn't you pick up the phone and call me?!"

Gemma let out a sigh and looked around to see if there was anyone in earshot. "Will you calm down? I meant to call you, but everything was happening so fast."

"What are you talking about? What happened this morning?"

"Someone left a note in Tara's car this morning. They threatened to find her and kill her."

I let out an audible groan at the news because I had nothing to say to it. Regardless of my attitude towards Tara, I wouldn't wish that kind of thing on her. I wouldn't wish the fear or anxiety of being on hunted on my worst enemy.

"So you see, I wasn't trying to ignore you on purpose," Gemma pointed out.

"No, I guess you weren't," I sat on the swing and let the weight of the news sit on my shoulders. I always wanted a viable reason to leave the club with my son, but as much as I hated to admit it, I wasn't financially ready to leave.

If I left with Abel now, then we'd be out of money in a few short months. I couldn't do that to him, so that's why this setup with Tara and Gemma worked in its own weird way. I needed them to watch him because that gave me the ability to work the hours that I needed to reach my goal.

"How is she taking it?" I asked with sincerity.

Gemma sighed while sitting on the swing next to me. "She's handling it." Gemma said nothing further than that, and I almost found it amusing. Strange how when I was the victim in question, everyone treated me like I was a parasite. But now that it's Tara, seemingly bringing trouble the club's way, all hands must be on deck.

"I bet she is," I knew that Tara was most likely freaking out right now. She never striked me as the kind of person who would stay in the life long term. If you ask me, she was only here for Jax and Abel, anyone beyond that was just an extension of her devotion to Jax.

"Look since Abel is fine here, I think I'll go work a double today."

Gemma's eyebrows disappeared into her bangs. "Really? You just came out of work," she pointed out.

"Yeah well, they're pretty short-handed tonight, and I'm sure they could use the help. Plus, it'll keep me off the streets."

Gemma nodded in agreement, "becareful, don't let that job kill you."

I felt a smile stretch over my face as I thought about the irony of what she was saying. "Something tells me dying by work would be far more peaceful than dying at whatever the club has their hands in."

Gemma smirked, "Yeah, I guess you're right." I turned away from her and made my way inside the clubhouse. I wanted to say goodbye to Abel before I left, but I was shocked to see a room full of Mayans sitting inside as well.

For as long as Jax and I have been married, the club was at odds with the Mayans. I never thought I'd see the day when they were acutally in agreement with each other, let alone in a room together sitting peacefully.

I tried not to make eye contact, because back in Mexico, the cartel was notorious for influencing the local gangs. I had no solid evidence that the Mayans were working with Galindo, but I also had no intentions of finding out.

I planted a kiss on the top of Abel's head as he munched away at his sandwich. Juice was sitting next to him, smiling with an orange slice in his mouth which caused Abel to laugh. I rolled my eyes and smiled when the big goofball tilted his head up toward my lips for a kiss. I let out a laugh and gave him one for being able to keep the mood light despite the chaos.

"I'm going to head out, let Jax and Tara know that I went to work. I'll be working a double, so I won't be out on the street."

Juice tilted his head, "I don't think Jax is going to like that too much, Ari."

I shrugged my shoulders, "someone's has to keep the facade up around here." Juice put his head down at my words, seemingly now noticing how crazy things had become.

"Be careful Ari, my head won't look good on a stick if something happens to you."

"Hmph," I sucked my teeth, "don't worry Juicy, at the rate we're going mine will probably be next to yours."

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