Chapter 2.

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"Wendy!" I banged on the door repeatedly as I waited for her to open the door. One might ask how the wife started doing house calls for the mistress, but I guess I wasn't a conventional wife. So, perhaps Wendy was more of a hidden clause in a bad contract than the woman who was having my husband's illegitimate child.

 I was about to give up on trying to get her to open the door since I would miss the bus if I stayed there any longer. But as I gave my final attempt Gemma's car pulled into the driveway. I internally groaned as I braced myself to face my mother-in-law from Hell.

"What are you doing here?" she asked curiously.

"Jax asked me to come to check on Wendy, she wasn't answering his phone calls," I said plainly.

"Hmm," Gemma sized me up and noticed that I was in my maid uniform, "he said the same thing to me. Probably trying to force me to like you," she gave me a smirk and I visibly rolled my eyes.

"Look, she's not answering the door," I pointed out. Gemma nodded her head and started to make her way to the back while I followed her. Gemma was about six inches taller than me so she could see through the window just fine.

However, when she looked through the window I could hear her audibly gasp, "stupid junkie," she said under her breath. Immediately I knew that the sight wasn't pretty, because she stood there frozen in place, unmoving. I ran around the house and back to the front door to start kicking it in. Gemma was already on the phone with the ambulance when my last kick managed to be successful. Jax was supposed to fix that issue, but thankfully he never got around to it.

Gemma and I ran into the house to tend to Wendy as we waited on the paramedics. I tried to keep my demeanor straight as Wendy lay unconscious on the kitchen floor. There was blood seeping out of her pants, and I said a small prayer for the safety of the baby.

"Give me a hand with her," I told Gemma as I forcibly put Wendy into a recovery position. Gemma's fists were clenched as she stared at Wendy in disgust. Which was ironic since she was the one who shoved this woman into Jax's arms in the first place. I guess this is as close to remorse as I'm ever going to get from her.

The ambulance came shortly after, and the EMTs placed Wendy on a stretcher. "Go with her, I'll meet you guys at the hospital!" Gemma hollered at me. I didn't waste time arguing with her like I usually did, because a baby's life was at stake here. While in the ambulance, I shot Jax a text while calling my job to cancel my shift.

"Ma'am, we're going to do everything we can for her," one of the EMTs said to me when we arrived at the hospital. I merely just nodded my head, not knowing how to respond. Because Wendy's survival didn't rely on her, it relied totally on the baby she was carrying. And if the drugs didn't kill her, Gemma most definitely will.

I found my way to the waiting room as they began to work on Wendy. They were going to perform an emergency C-section on her. I knew it was too early for the baby to come out, but medically they had no choice. So, I sat outside the waiting room and waited for any updates. Gemma came a little while later with Jax, Clay, Bobby, and Chibs.

Jax's face held a scowl as he marched his way into the hospital. Wendy had already finished surgery so I was already standing with the doctor when he came in. Tara Knowles was the doctor on Wendy's case, I knew her because I remember the day Jax saw her again. I didn't know much about their relationship, nor was I nosey enough to ask, it wasn't my place to get into his affairs. But the way he stared at her told me everything I needed to know.

"What the hell happened?" he asked her, completely disregarding me standing there.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Tara asked, disregarding me as well.

"Couple of weeks," Jax answered.

"Her hands and feet were full of tracks. Toxicology reports aren't back yet, but it looks like crank."

Jax turned his head and noticed Wendy's flat stomach through the glass. "The baby. What happened to the baby?"

"We had to do an emergency c-section. He's ten weeks premature."

"Holy sh**," Jax looked at the crowd surrounding him to see if everyone else realized how grave the situation was.

"Come on let's sit down, I'll take you through it," Tara offered.

"No, just give it to me straight," Jax said, refusing her offer.

Tara nodded her head as she continued, "He's got a congenital heart defect and gastroschisis. It's a tear in his abdomen, the gastro, and the early birth are from the drugs. But the heart defect is probably hereditary."

"The family flaw," Gemma said jumping in.

"Yes, it's genetic. Either one would be serious but not life-threatening. But the both of them together...Dr. Namid gives him a twenty percent chance. And I'm afraid that's being optimistic."

Gemma put her hand to her chest as she tried to level with the news. I turned my head over to where Wendy lay and I wanted to beat her with whatever equipment I could get my hands on.

"She wouldn't talk to me, I didn't know," my husband said regrettably.

"She missed her last three appointments, no one knew," Tara said trying to ease him from whatever guilt he was feeling. "Dr. Namid wants to fix his belly first and then when he's stable, we'll go back in and fix the heart. Sorry, Jax."

"You can see him if you like," Tara said walking towards the doors. Jax walked after her and I saw her mouth something to him. Jax nodded his head after what she said and I saw her smile. Then he turned his body around and the scowl returned on his face. I knew what that face meant, he was going to find the man responsible for selling Wendy drugs.

"Go see him, stay with my mom," he shot back at me before completely disappearing down the hallway. I said nothing as I walked towards Tara, she stared at me curiously, obviously confused about my relation to this family. However, despite her curiosity, she didn't ask as she led me and Gemma down the hall.

I tugged at my sweater as I tried to keep the cold hospital AC from bothering me. However, once I saw Abel in the window, no amount of tugging could keep me warm. He was tiny, I could probably fit him into my whole hand. "My God," I said under my breath. I sucked back the tears that were threatening to fall as I saw the helpless child before me.

I felt Gemma put a hand on my shoulder, and perhaps it looked to Tara like we were close. But I knew Gemma was only trying to keep from falling from shock.

"Did any of you want to stay in Wendy's room before she wakes?" Tara looked between Gemma and me, and for a second I thought she was naïve. "No, just keep me updated on my grandson," Gemma said coldly, she then looked at me and smirked, "Why don't you stay with the little mistress?"

I remained tight-lipped as I refrained from saying anything I shouldn't. "Are you Wendy's friend?" Tara asked confused. I could practically hear the smile on Gemma's face forming. "No, I'm Jax's wife," I said plainly.

Tara looked taken aback and embarrassed, "I didn't know he had a wife," she chuckled nervously.

"Not many girls do," I deadpanned.

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