Chapter 4.

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I look down at Abel as the nurse began to fiddle with his incubator. As far as I knew, it was the morning, and I had made it a habit of coming to see him every morning. He was getting bigger and stronger every day, and so was my love for him.

My relationship with Jax was never supposed to include a baby. It was more of a business deal than anything, but I wasn't complaining about the new addition. I purposely always came in the mornings, because I knew that Gemma liked to come in the afternoon. And I still wasn't speaking to her because of her thing with Wendy. However, I can't really use that as an excuse, we weren't exactly close before either.

"Mrs. Teller, there is a phone call for you," I was taken aback as the nurse handed me the phone. But then I heard Jax's voice and then it all made sense. He knew that I went to go see Abel every morning, so he knew that when he couldn't reach my phone, he could call here.

Jax had made a short trip to Nevada this week. The only way I found out was through the prospect, Half-Sack. Jax didn't share details about the club with me, which was fine I suppose. But I really wish he wouldn't sleep with anything that moved on these runs.

Heck, who was I kidding? It didn't take a run for him to sleep with other women. He slept with them in his leisure, which is what allowed them to look down on me.

Multiple women around Charming looked down on me. Mostly those who had either heard about my husband or slept with him. I wasn't supposed to feel angry or sad about it, a relationship was never included in our agreement. But in those moments where it felt like it was, I felt like any other wife whose husband had committed adultery.

"Hey babe," he said gruffly on the other end.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing, you work today?"

I bit my lip as the reality sunk in that Jax didn't pay attention to me. I never withheld my schedule from him and I never made my whereabouts a secret. "No, I'm off today."

"Okay good, I'm coming to pick you up."

My eyebrows came together in confusion, "why? Is something wrong?"

Jax chuckled on the other end, "No, relax. I'm taking you to the fundraiser. Donna will be there and I know she'll feel better if you're there."

And there it was. My presence was always to bring comfort to someone else. Or be a translator for God knows what. It was ever because he wanted me there.

"Okay, I'll be waiting outside for you then."

"Okay cool, I'll be there in twenty," and with that, he hung up the phone. I savored holding Abel for a few minutes longer before it was time to hand him back to the nurse.

In all honesty, there was not a bone in my body that wanted to go to this fundraiser. Every event with this club was always the same for me. If I wasn't getting bossed around by Gemma and her friend Luann. Then I had Tig bugging me with his inappropriate questions. I guess it'd be better now that Donna was there. Sitting and talking with her sure beats sitting in the farthest corner by myself.

I attempted to keep my small inkling of hope until Jax pulled up to the hospital. He held out a helmet for me and then proceeded to look me up and down. He held a smirk on his face and let out a whistle.

I looked down at myself in confusion and then realized that I was ill-prepared to be on a bike. I was hardly provocative because all I wore was a sleeveless top and a skirt. The skirt hung down to my knees because I preferred to look nice when I visited the hospital. So, besides the fact that I was a walking injury when I got on the bike, there was really nothing special about what I was wearing.

"What?" I asked Jax with a confused expression on my face.

Jax shook his head, "I just think you look nice today." He patted my bare thigh before revving up the engine and taking off. My arms wrapped tightly around his torso when he took his turns and I avoided looking down.

I heard him chuckle under his breath at my slight fear. Something he's always found amusing when we got together. I'd never been on a bike prior to being with Jax. Gabriel wasn't the motorcycle type. He preferred expensive, luxury cars that would make him the object of envy.

Jax didn't care about looking fancy for others. The only thing that mattered to him was the kutt on his back and the breeze on his face from riding his bike. It was an admirable trait to have.

When we go to the fundraiser, I noticed the guys standing next to their bikes. Seeing Tig with a huge grin on his face made me want to order Jax to turn around. "Hey my ebony sistah," I internally groaned as Tig greeted me. Jax shot a finger at him, "Cut it out." Tig put both his hands up in surrender, "I can't say hi to my brother's wife?" He began to laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm going to go be with Donna," I told Jax. He nodded his head and I got off the bike and proceeded to walk over. Donna was sitting with Ellie by her side who ran up to me in excitement. "Hi Auntie Ari!" she wrapped her arms around my torso, and I ran my hands through her blonde hair which seemed to be getting dark with time.

"Hey, pretty girl! Wow, you're getting more gorgeous every day," I twirled her around which caused her to let out a fit of giggles. Donna smiled as she watched us interact and then got up to hug me when I got close.

"I missed you," I said exhaling as I embraced Donna's hug. "I missed you too," she said into my ear. We sat down as we broke apart, and Donna sent Ellie to grab something to eat.

"How is everything?" I asked out of concern. I knew that things must've been hard with Opie out.

Donna let out an exasperated sigh, "he wants to go back to the club." Donna shook her head, "I don't think I can go through another five years if he gets caught again."

I gave her a small smile, "how are you and the kids?"

"Kenny and Ellie barely know him. He tries's hard for them to connect with a stranger. All we do is fight about money all the time."

I fiddled with my hands and looked down at my lap. "You know I can always give you some money."

"No," Donna shook her head, "I couldn't ask you to do that Ari. You've helped me so much already. Watching the kids, and buying us food, you've done more than enough. Besides, you got a little one coming home soon. You're going to be spending money you didn't even know you had."

"Yeah," I said solemnly. "I think I'm going to have more than just a little one coming home."

"Jax is going to let Wendy move back in?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Jax isn't a bad guy. He wouldn't put her out on the street."

"Yeah, but he should send her to rehab, not looking out to rehome her! You need to put your foot down."

"I'd need a leg to stand on first as his wife before I put anything down. Besides, I think my problems are going to extend way past Wendy soon."

Donna looked confused for a moment before I pointed to Tara who had just walked into the fundraiser. "Who's that? What's she got to do with Jax?"

I shook my head, "don't know yet, but I'm sure I'm going to find out."

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