Chapter 6.

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I walked into the hospital and there I was greeted by Tara. I smiled at her, a greeting we'd both become used to. I was here for Abel, but it was always a nice perk seeing her too.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice dripping with concern.

"Yeah, why?"

"I stopped by the clubhouse today and saw all those cops."

I nodded my head, "that was nothing. Just some ATF guy trying to make up charges that won't stick. The guy is a nut. He's been following me and showing up everywhere."

Tara's demeanor changed when I mentioned the ATF agent and I couldn't help but notice. "Something wrong?"

She shook her head, "No, I was just hoping that you could give me a ride after work. I get off in a few minutes."

"You good?"

"Yeah, I'm just beaten up. It's been a really long day." I nodded my head and then she smiled before turning on her heel. I knew she was still hiding something, but I figured she'd tell me if she wanted me to know.

I then proceeded to walk down to Abel's room and get his picture. Ari had a picture of him that was sitting in our room, but the ATF guy destroyed it in the process of his raid. The guy was a certified lunatic, but I knew that Ari would be happy to have the replacement.

My relationship with Ari was complicated, but she always came through when I needed her. She never argued with me or asked for more. And admittedly, I took her for granted more times than not. Getting her little things, seemed to always pay for it somehow.

It didn't take me more than a few minutes to take the picture and say hi to my son. Tara was waiting outside for me when I was finished. She had peeled off her scrubs and got into some regular clothes. She looked good, just about as good as the day I met her.

"You ready?" I asked her as I extended the helmet. She smiled as she took it from me and put it on her head. She hopped on the back of the bike and wrapped her arms around my torso. The ride wasn't long at all, and we were at her house in no time. I was, however, surprised that her cutlass wasn't in the driveway.

"Thanks for the ride," she said smiling as she handed me back the helmet.

"Where's the cutlass?" I asked looking around.

"At the hospital," she said casually.

"Still not running right?"

Tara looked around before she answered me, "It's running okay." She seemed worried and a bit on edge.

"This worry I'm getting here, does that have anything to do with the car that's been tailing us?" Tara's face dropped and I could see the panic on her face. "It's parked halfway down the block, the silver one."

Tara said nothing as she inhaled a shaky breath and turned away from me to walk to her door. "Tara, what is going on?!" I cornered her next to the door, and she kept her eyes on the car.

"The ATF agent that's been looking into you guys, I think he's here for me."

"What are you talking about?"

"We dated back in Chicago, it got violent and I tried to end it, and then he started stalking me." She seemed pretty shaken up at the memory, and I could feel the blood boil inside of me. The anger reminded me of my first meeting with Ari and when she told me everything that had happened to her.

I proceeded to walk towards the ATF car and ordered Tara to go inside. She attempted to protest, but went inside and followed my direction anyway. The scumbag got out of his car when he noticed me marching over to him with my knife in my hand.

I stabbed his radiator which prompted him to go on with a list of charges. "Vandalism, deadly weapon, that's six months in county, a**hole!"

"Violating a restraining order, you'll be in the cell next to me. They teach you how to suck a dick in ATF school?" He chuckled in front of me, and I laughed right back. "You gave it your best shot, you got nothing on Samcro. And you harassing Tara, that ends here, or next time it won't be your car that I'm draining fluid from."

"You threatening a federal agent?"

"I'm threatening you. Go away, this is your last warning."

"I'm assuming your wife knows all about you and Tara, huh?"

A smile spread over my face at his sad attempt at mentioning Ari. "What's the matter, trying to figure out how to keep a beautiful woman instead of scaring her off? Or you want something I got?" He remained silent at my jab and then I turned to walk away from him and his leaky car.

He's lucky it was only his radiator this time, but next time I wouldn't be so merciful. I was going to chew Hale out for letting that psycho near my club and inside my room. Who knows how far that creep would be willing to go for his obsession?

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked down to see Ari calling me. I cursed under my breath because if I didn't show up with the biggest apology tonight, she'd go on another silent spree.

"Yeah?" I said putting the phone to my ear.

"My pictures are missing!"

I could hear the panic coming from her voice. "Ari don't worry, I got a new picture of Abel today."

"No," she said letting out a shaky breath, "my pictures are missing." Her emphasis on the word "my" paint the picture of exactly which ones were missing. Ari and I had our moments and at my request, I had pictures of her in compromising positions.

I knew that the ATF had to be the one to take them from my room. And I tried not to let myself go into a complete rage over the fact that this psycho had pictures of my wife in his dirty hands.

"Um, don't worry about those darlin, I got rid of them before the raid."

"Really?" she sounded relieved.

"Yeah, it's all taken care of. I'll drop by the printers to have Abel's pictures printed. I know you like to decorate his room."

"Okay, thanks I'll have Half-Sack or Lowe drop me off at the house."

"Okay, see ya later babe." I hung up the call and inhaled a deep breath. If those pictures ever surfaced I was going to jail for killing that ATF agent. With no trial.

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