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Felt like adding a video again. My favourite song from Skillet btw✋🏻



3rd person pov

Rexy roared her mighty roar at Inza and the hybrid roared back. They stood face to face, Rexy standing in front of Jane in protective way, but that only made Inza's blood boil and glare at the t-rex. She has known Jane her whole life and the idea of sharing her with someone else makes Inza angry. So does Rexy.

Rexy and Inza roared at each other, getting closer until they ran and attacked, Rexy managing to bite at Inza's neck but she fought back.

Seeing the situation and their huge bodies destroying everything around them, Jane pushed with her hands to stand up and ran to hide behind a rock. She watched her two favourite dinosaurs she practically raised fight and noticed they're close to Owen's and others' hiding spot.

Inza managed to throw Rexy on her side, grabbed her neck with her teeth and dragged against the ground to where Jane's friends are hiding. Rexy's head ran through the wall and tears started fill Jane's eyes not only seeing Rexy hurt within seconds, but her friends in danger as well.

"Run, you idiots! Get out of there!" Jane screamed her lungs out and thankfully they managed to get out the shop in time before it was destroyed into ruins. They ran to where Jane is hiding and crouched down with her, watching the scene in front of them. Jane's shaky hand found Owen's and squeezed it like never before. She's so nervous because Inza is winning.

She love them both the same way but to be honest, she knew Rexy longer and grew stronger relationship. Her death would destroy the human.

Rexy laid on her side, covered in her and Inza's blood but mostly in her own and looks like she's too tired to stand up. Jane bit her lip nervously, drawing blood without noticing as she saw Inza step on Rexy's throat.

"No. No, no, no, no." Owen glanced at his sick worried best friend and rubbed her shoulder in attempt to comfort her. There's nothing they can do. Or he thought, because Jane jumped from their hiding spot and ran towards the hybrid and queen of dinosaurs, lying devasted on the ground.

"Jay, come back!" Owen yelled, now him growing worried sick about his friend. He knew she has crazy ideas but this is the most stupid thing she has ever done!

"No!" Inza looked up from Rexy at her only friend she ever had. She's been searching for her this whole day, and now here she is, standing right in front of her and telling her to stop what she's doing.
Jane walked closer, standing right by Rexy's snout and lifted her arms in the air.

"Inza, stop! Don't kill her, please! Take me instead, but let Rexy live. I love her as much as I love you. If you hurt her, you hurt me." Inza watched the human's every move, seeing her on verge of tears.

"That's not want you want, is it? Me being hurt." It sounded more of like statement than question. But she's right. The last thing Inza want is Jane hurt, even though she already is. Inza glanced between Rexy and her friend, thinking if she's gonna finish the other dinosaur or leave her and take Jane with her. If that's what Jane want then she will do as she said.

Owen, Claire and her nephwes watched in shock how Jane stood up for Rexy and talked to Inza without getting killed, hell she's even listening to her. Through Owen's head flashed a question Jane asked this morning and many times before. What's making her so different from other people? Cause right now they see the situation. If Owen or Claire or any other human ran there like Jane did, they would be dead in blink of an eye. But not Jane.

The Grant woman smiled with tears when Inza got down from Rexy and turned her full attention to her. Like before, Inza picked Jane up into air, being careful with her claws. This time Jane didn't squeal or something from being startled, only watched Inza lifting her up to get better look at her and purred.

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