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Jane's pov

With my hand I wipe the sweat from my forehead, straightening my back. My ass is starting to become sore from sitting for almost an hour. Me and Owen are currently at his place, working on our machines. I'm almost finished. Mine don't have much to fix unlike Owen.

The past hour after the incident we hadn't spoke much words. Comfortable silence loomed over us. My thoughts are elsewhere, thinking about what happened not a long ago.
I could be dead. I thought. They had free room to eat me. But they didn't. What made them let me go? Is it that stuff I injected into myself 22 years ago? Or is it something else? What's so different about me from others? Why no dinosaur killed me yet when they had opportunity.

"You want to talk about it?" Owen broke the silence and I know he's looking at me. He must've noticed the distant look on my face.

"About what?" I tried to play dump, hoping to avoid talking about his raptors letting me live.

"You know about what. You're unusually quiet. And you does it only when's something bothering you." Of course he know me better than anyone. In the end he's my best friend. I sigh.

"It's, what's making me different from others? When you and the new guy were inside the paddock, they didn't hesitate to attack, well, the kid, but then Blue jumps at me and then let me go? Why?" I talk while giving half attention to cleaning the mud from my wheels on my machine. I continue after short pause. "It's like with Rexy 22 years ago. She had the chance to kill me but no. She let me go, just like your raptors. And I don't know why."

I never told Owen about the part with the three liquids. Until I don't know what are they, he don't need to know.
Owen is quiet for a while.

"I don't know, too. But it's better than have you gone. Looks like instead of 'men charmer' you are 'dinosaur charmer'." Owen's voice lack with sarcasm and I can hear him smiling with amusement. I can only roll my eyes with smile, because it looks to be true. I appreciate dinosaurs more than men. Won't tell why.

I turn my head at Owen, making a dramatic hurt face with gasp. "And I thought I charmed you the first time we saw each other. You hurt my feelings so bad." I place my hand where my heart beat, faking hurt.
Owen stands up and walk up to me with smirk, getting on one knee and picking up my hand like the royal fictional princes to princesses.

"I'm terribly sorry for hurting your feelings, your highness. Your undying beauty blow my eyes whenever I look at you-u-u-u." At the end Owen start laughing, not being able to play 'serious' anymore and i with him. These are the moments I love. When we joke or flirt with each other for fun, take my mind off things and the stress and just relax.

Our laugh dies and silence again fall upon us, and my mood drop too when I remember another thing. Owen notices it and sit beside me on the long chair, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Don't think about it. It will give you stress and stress will give you wrinkles." I almost laugh at that. Almost.

"It's not that." Owen look confused for a while before asking.

"Again another nightmare?" I nod. Owen knows about my nightmares and what is every one about because I tell him everytime I have one, except the ones where is he too. Few time he even witnessed me having one and I'm thankful when he was there. "What was this one about?"

I remain quiet at first, bitting my bottom lip. "I was back in the main building at the Jurassic Park. Rexy, my uncle, Ellie, Ian, Tim and Lex were there." I pause, a distant look on my face again. "They all were dead. Bittes and scratches covered their bodies. And then jumped at me a velociraptor. It felt so real that I mistaked it with reality when I woke up."

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