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I parked my machine beside Barry's and walked up to raptor paddock while looking around. My eyes then landed on my best friend up on the catwalk, a clicker in his hand while he trained and feed his raptors: Charlie, Echo, Delta and Blue.

After he told the four raptors they're free to go and Barry went to congratulate him, I climbed the stairs up and waited for the two to notice me, which took them some time. Owen finally lifted his gaze and grinned when seeing me standing aside.

"Took you long enough to get here. You missed all the fun." He said loud for me to hear over the workers working and I smirked.

"I had enough of my own fun. Don't worry." When Owen reached me, he wrapped his big arms around my body into crushing bear hug.

"Hi, Barry." I waved at our black friend over my best friend's shoulder.

"Hi." Barry grinned. Barry is a black man and caretaker of the raptors and even though I'm not so close with him like with Owen, I like to call him my very good friend. He's been working here a year longer than Owen.

Then a very annoying voice we wished to not hear this day called to us. "Owen. I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys..." Hoskins walked up to us with his annoying laugh, annoying face, annoying grin, in one word he's annoying bastart I'd like to serve Rexy for dinner. "but damn, you got them eating out of your palm."

"You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending." In Owen's voice you can hear he's trying to stay calm and ignore Hoskins annoying presence. Please, go away, monkey face.

"Is that why you're not sending in your reports?" Owen and Hoskins shook hands while I stood aside with crossed arms, glaring daggers at him. 

"We've been busy." Barry replied.

"Not too busy to cash your paychecks." Hoskins tried to make a joke, though no one laughed. I'm starting to lose my patience with him and spoke up finally.

"What do you want, monkey face?" The named one turned his attention to me, ignoring the way I called him. 

"Oh, Dino Mama. I haven't seen you in some time." Hoskins leaned with one arm on the railing, other hand on his hip. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I wanted to keep it longer but you know, you had to show up with your ugly face." Hoskins was about to argue before Owen stepped closer to me, glaring at the man all three of us would like to throw over this railing and let the raptors feed on him. 

"What is it?" 

"A field test." At Hoskins response we rolled eyes and turned around to leave with Hoskins trailing after us. "Hey. I've just seen they can respond to commands. We need to take the research and get it on its feet."

"These are wild animals, Hoskins. Trust me, you don't want them in the field." Owen said, never stopping walking. 

"I just saw a bond. A real bond. Between man and beast." Hoskins blocked our way by stepping in front of us and making Owen almost bumb into me. 

"You're in our way, ugly face." From behind me, Owen pinched my arm to shut me up but instead I elbowed him in the stomach. 

"Come on. We are the same. We're dogs of war. We know that military needs to reduce casualties. Some people think that robots are the future." Rolling again my eyes, I walked around Hoskins with Owen following suit, not forgetting to bumb my shoulder with Hoskins'. "Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machines 75 million years ago. and now we know they can take orders."

"We finally make progress and that's the first thing he says? Make a weapon?" Barry, who took another way to go, walked up to us again. Yeah, I'm asking myself too if he's worth my nerves..................he's not.

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