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Every other human would try to forget about their incident, trauma or the horror that happened to them and never want the history to repeat again, or try to avoid the place it happened at. That doesn't count for Jane Grant.

Recieving scars, nightmares and scary past after what happened at the very first Jurassic Park in 1993. When they managed to survive and left the island, she thought to herself that she'll never go back there.
She was mistaken. It was years ago when she was only a kid and now her decisions changed.

When it was still Jurassic Park and the night when everything went shitty, the queen of dinosaurs happened to act around her differently than around other humans. She was calm, comfortable and seemed to like Jane's company. If it wasn't for Rexy liking her, she would be dead. And Rexy isn't the only dinosaur that let her live.

That's why Jane is going back to Isla Nublar, to figure out in what is she different from others. Why dinosaurs seem to like her and hadn't killed her when they had a chance? However, Rexy is the main reason she's going back. And because she's obsessed with dinosaurs and love them much more than children and her own race.

No one stopped her from going, not even her best friend Owen. The only they said is: "If that's what you want then I'm not gonna try to stop you.". Everyone are okay with her going except for her uncle, Alan Grant.

Yes, Alan Grant has a niece and practically raised her after his brother and sister-in-law died in car crash. Everyone know he don't like children. Every child except Jane.

Ever since Jane was little, her obsession with dinosaurs only grew bigger as well as smarteness. And Alan admired her for it. When her parents died, she was handed to Alan's care. He always took her to his job as paleontologist and taught her dig fossils. She was his little helper, sometimes mistaken as his daughter. If he'd ever have a child, he would want them to be like Jane.

She's the only child he ever cared about and never want to lose her. And that's the reason why he refuse to let her go back to Isla Nublar to work with dinosaurs, worried for her safety. He almost fainted when Jane told him she wanna go back. The thought of her being hurt or worse eaten by one of them scares him. They barely survived Jurassic Park, not even talking about what he went through at Isla Sorna. Dinosaurs are fascinating, he must admit, but the only he found about these made dinosaurs is danger. And if she go, this time he won't be there to protect her.

"No. Not happening. You are not going anywhere, Jay." And their stubbornes lead them to arguing.

"Uncle, I know you are worried about my safety after Jurassic Park, but I made my decision. Everyone I told didn't protest letting me go but you." Jane argued with her uncle back, folding her clothes and putting it in her red suitcase. This day is when she's leaving for the island with dinosaurs and Alan is still trying to talk her out of it.

"Yes. Because I'm your uncle, your guardian and I Am the one that raised you because I care 'bout you! And you're still a child!" Jane rolled her eyes at him. She has no time for this shit. In two hours her plane is taking off and an hour takes her to get there. She isn't even packed yet!

"I'm 20 actually. An adult. Grown up." She reminded him, even though he know.

"To me you are still a child. Too young to die and be eaten by these lab creatures." Alan leaned against her wardrobe, tense with their conversation. They never really argued, only time to time about something stupid but this one is dead serious and he don't like where is it going.

"They're alive as much as we are. And I won't die. They have it secured there, eyes on everything. Mr. Masrani even showed me the security and map of the park after he called me. It'll be fine. And I already told you the reason why I'm going back. I have to figure myself out and I can do it only if I work with dinosaurs." Jane explained, taking glances at her uncle and not stopping packing.

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