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With my hair finally dryed, I slipped into grey tank top and olive green cargo shorts, throwing on an old shirt I 'borrowed from my best friend, key word 'borrowed' and putting on my combat boots. After I shut the front door I walk up to my motorbike and get on, turning on the machine and taking off to see my other baby.

The wind blew my light-brown hair back, cooling my skin after the hot shower I had on this hot island. I stopped and parked in front of the big paddock, watching for a while workers working on highering the walls of the paddock. Inza isn't even her full size and she's still qrowing. She's even bigger than Rexy. What else did they made her of? I would like to know.

I walked into the room from where you can see into the paddock and Inza if she decides to show up, greeting the chubby worker sitting behind the table and having his 'eyes' on Inza.

"So, any problems at night?" I put my hands on my hips, looking around the paddock to spot the hybrid dinosaur. The worker shook his head.

"Not at all. Only that it tried to break the glass." And he pointed to the part where the window is cracked. Huh, I didn't even noticed that. Walking over, I crouched down in front of it with frown and gently ran my finger bellys over the broken glass, being careful not to cut myself. What was on her mind to do this?

"Alright, I'm going in." I straightened up, running my thights. The worker shook his head at me, probably still wondering how can I work with these carnivore creatures and opened the door for me. I walk inside the paddock and the door closed after me.

I tried to find the hybrid, keeping on mind she can camouflage to which I narrowed my eyes at everything that moved. Where are you? I know you are here. Where else should you be?

"Inza! Come out! Come out! Wherever you are." I called out into the jungle, waiting for sound or movoment as response. I know she knows I'm here. She would recognize my smell from afar and so I'm sure she's watching me right now, but from where. How smart is this one? Very smart.

Growling came from behind me and I spun on my heels to face jungle again. However not a little longer some of the leaves started to move and then she stopped hiding, revealing her white scaled body in all her glory.

"Hey, girl. You're getting better and better at hiding. I couldn't find you at first. Good job." I gave her a big smile, having to tilt my head back to look at her. She chirped, proud of herself and lowered her head down a little too quickly, startling me for a second. She's dangerous one, I can tell, and I'm never really sure what will her next moves be but I put in her my  trust.

I patted her head when she pulled closer to me.

"But I have a question for you." Inza pulled away to look at me with tilt of her head, waiting for me to continue. "What is this?" And I point at the broken glass.

"Inza we talked about this. No breaking glass. You understand? No broken glass. I don't want them to take you away from me. And I assure you I will never let anyone do that. But you have to control yourself." My voice softened, not wanting to think about how it would be if they took Inza away from me. Oh, I would so go on killing spree if they did. 

Inza frowned from what I picked on the change of her features and she roared at me, at which I had to cover my ears. She has one mighty roar, but Rexy has better. (don't tell Inza) I know she don't like being told what to do but someone has to put her in place. 

When she stopped roaring, I gave her bored look. "Are you done? Hey!" She huffed, using her tail to swipe leaves and dirt at me, to which I gave her offended look. 

"Alright, you want it this way? Let's play 'Catch the Snack'." And I ran to grab a big piece of meat with which I then ran away from Inza. 


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