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summary: chris takes care of you when you're sick

warnings: mentions of poor appetite, being sick

♤°♥,..♤°♥,.. ♤°♥,..

WHEN YOU WOKE up today you immediately knew you were in for a hellish morning. Your nose was blocked, causing you to have to mouth breathe, your head throbbed and your whole body ached. There was only one resolution to this. Chris.

Dialing his number, he answered almost instantly.

"Hey Chris," you sniffled into the phone.

"Oh my God," he exclaimed, "you sound terrible."

You rolled your eyes a bit but regretted it as you felt a singe of pain shoot to your forehead. Muttering a sarcastic 'thanks' you asked him to come over and keep you company.

As much as you didn't want to get him sick, you needed his comfort more.

He answered with an "of course. I'll be right there" and he was on his way. He wasted no time besides stopping by the pharmacy to grab you some painkillers nose spray and some snacks for you. You were never able to eat much when you were sick but he figured that you should at least have something small, no matter your lack of appetite.

Chris was always like that. Whenever you needed him, he was already half way to your apartment with whatever snacks or drinks he knew were your favorite.

Time ticked by as you lay in your bed, too tired to even scroll through tiktok. You knew Chris had the key to your door so you didn't have to worry about getting up any time soon. As you waited and waited, you realized you were actually exhausted. Eyes drooping every so often, you fell asleep in no time.

Chris had arrived only a few minutes later. Upon not hearing your response when he called out your name, he deduced that you were getting some much needed rest.

He quietly took off his shoes and locking the door behind him.

Taking a water bottle from the kitchen, he tiptoed his way your bedroom. The door creaked gently as he opened it, revealing your huddled form in the corner of your bed. Chris' eyes softened at your state. Your cheeks and forehead were slicked with sweat, yet you still appeared to be shivering.

He placed the bag of supplies that he bought on the floor next to your bed. Sitting down on the edge of the mattress, he admired your sleeping state. He really didn't want to disrupt your peace but he knew you should have some antibiotics and food in your system. Tucking strands of hair away from your face, he began to gently stir you awake. Even when you were sickly and in pain he thought you were beautiful.

"Hi my little germ," he teased as you squinted your eyes open.

All you offered was a grunt as you burrowed your face into the pillow.

"What time is it?" you asked, your voice muffled by the pillowcase.

He checked his phone before answering. "Just a little after 1PM."

"I feel like death," you said as you removed your face from the bed, rubbing at your face. Chris sat closer to you and placed your head in his lap, untangling strands of knots as he played with your hair.

"I know. I got you some medicine, but you have to eat first."

You whined at the prospect. You weren't sure if you'd be able to keep anything down right now - but you knew he was right.

He helped you sit up, steadying you as a wave of nausea hit you at the sudden movement. His hand never left your side, rubbing your shoulder and back as he handed you some chips to eat.

"I was gonna get you some warm soup, but I know you wouldn't have been able to eat it," he said.

You smiled for the first time today despite the agony you were in. "Thank you. This is perfect."

Chris nuzzled you into his side and opened the package for you. He laid it on his lap and let you eat at your own pace.

He grabbed your laptop from your bedside table, deciding to put on a movie. As much as he didn't want to, he put on a cheesy rom-com. It always cheered you up when you were down, and that was exactly his goal today.

Meanwhile you had already scarfed down more than half the packet of chips, much to Chris' surprise. His hands were still rubbing your back as he spoke.

"I didn't think you'd actually eat them," he laughed. "Good job, you need the energy."

"Okay doctor," you joked.

Chris smiled down at you, admiring the way you could still be lighthearted even when you were feeling like shit.

"The good news is you can have your medicine now," he said as he pulled it out of the bag to hand it to you.

"Yes give me my drugs," you said as you grabbed a water bottle. You drank down the pills, chugging the rest of the water before you laid back down.

All that was left to do now was wait for it to kick in.

"Do you need anything else?" asked Chris.

You shook your head, reaching your arms out for him. "Just you."

Flushing at your comment, he resumed the cuddling position before pressing play on the movie again. He wasn't really one for corny movies, but he had to admit that this one wasn't too bad.

Once he noticed that you had began drifting off to sleep again, he knew it was a good idea to put the movie on. Chris gently pushed your laptop out of the way before squeezing you closer to his side, kissing your forehead.

It wasn't long before Chris followed in your footsteps and also began to fall asleep. He knew he always slept better with you.

Once you woke up you had already felt infinitely better. Chris, however, woke up with a sniffly nose, complaining about a growing headache.

Though to him, it was all worth it.

𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now