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summary: you get a puppy for your birthday and chris gets jealous of the amount of attention that you give it

♤°♥,..♤°♥,.. ♤°♥,..

YOUR BIRTHDAY WAS last week and Chris had wanted to surprise you with something that you've wanted for a while.

A puppy.

He asked Nick and Matt to come with him to the local shelter to find you a dog. He wanted your special day to be perfect, down to the very last and minute details.

Matt had ordered you a cake weeks before so it would be ready in time for your birthday - his job was to bring it over to your apartment early in the morning. Chris, of course, was granted with the responsibility of settling the dog into his new home. And lastly, but most importantly, Nick was in charge of making sure you were out of the house and distracted while this was all happening.

After using his spare key to your house, Chris made sure everything was in order by the time you and Nick arrived.

To say you were pleasantly surprised would be the understatement of the century.

As you held the newly adopted baby in your arms, you knew you two would be the best of friends. Especially with Chris being away often for work, what with all the travelling and filming, it got lonely around your apartment when he or his brothers weren't visiting.

It would be nice to have some company - even if it was in the form of a house pet.

And how right you were. Cut to two weeks later and you were bringing the puppy around everywhere. Granted - he wasn't much of a tiny thing anymore. He had grown immensely in the short time you had him, and you loved him more each and every day.

You named him Barney, per Chris' suggestion.

Barney cuddled you to sleep each night, you ate breakfast with him next to you, and brought him out on walks every day.

To say Chris was slightly envious of Barney would be putting it lightly. It's not that he didn't love the dog - he really did - but sometimes Barney would be possessive of you.

At times when Chris would cuddle on the couch with you during a movie, Barney would squeeze in between you two. Being the loving and caring parent that you were, you let him take the space as he saw fit. You babied the hell out of him.

Once Chris tried to hug you as you were cooking, and Barney - thinking that your giggles were cries for help - began to bark and prod at his legs. He felt as if he could never have you alone for more than five seconds. Yet he also felt stupid for being jealous of a dog.

However, with a tour coming up, Chris decided to set him and Barney's differences aside. He was glad that you wouldn't be completely alone during his absence. So, as he left for the airport from your apartment, he threatened Barney with a quiet "you better take care of her" as he kissed you goodbye and bid his farewell.

Weeks had passed and the triplet's flight back home was tomorrow morning.

You received a face-time call from the eldest brother late into the night. Answering, you were met with an overly smiley Nick.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" you asked, plopping on top of your bed onto your stomach. Caressing Barney's soft fur, you waited for Nick's response.

"Chris is madly jealous of Barney," he blurted out.

From far into the background you could hear Chris' voice ring out of your speaker.

"Am not!"

You snorted lightly.

You could tell they were in one of their sleep-deprived, energetic moods. How you missed that.

"Jealous? Of this tiny thing?" you said as you pointed the camera towards the dog. Barney woofed at the camera, wagging his tail upon seeing Nick.

Chris popped into view at the sound of Barney's soft barks. Sitting next to Nick, he took the phone from his hands.

"Hey you better get away from my girlfriend, young man."

Nick could be heard laughing in the background, seemingly growing more amused the more Chris bullied your dog.

"He's my baby don't speak to him like that," you joked, also finding the situation humorous.

Chris' eyes drooped as he continued talking. You could tell they were all tired as you caught a glimpse of Matt fast asleep in the background. It was probably late for them - and they had an early flight.

"Well don't forget who your baby was first. Me!"

Nick fake gagged as he grabbed his phone back. He coo'd and baby talked Barney through the phone, ignoring Chris' comments that he was a 'little demon'. After having enough of Chris half-heartedly sulking at all the attention that Barney was getting from you, Nick decided to call it a night.

"Alright well I'm gonna get this green-eyed monster to bed. See you soon," said Nick as he bid you goodnight and left you to your own devices.

As excited as you were to see Chris again, you fell into an easy slumber as Barney cuddled on top of you.

When you awoke, a slight shifting feeling shocked you from your peaceful state. Peeking your eyes open, you could see Chris taking Barney from your bed and leading him out of the room.

"Chris?" you mumbled out. "What're you doing?"

Closing the door, he began slowly taking his jumper off and crawling under the sheets with you.

"I just want my girlfriend all to myself for one morning. No Barney interruptions."

Stifling a laugh, you turned towards him to cuddle into his side. You kissed his neck as it was all you could reach - and in your half asleep state you didn't feel like leaning up to greet him with a proper kiss.

"Welcome home," you said, sighing into the crook of his neck.

Chris groaned.

"Not much of a welcome when your demon child growled at me when I walked into the room."

"He's just a baby, he'll get used to you."

All that was heard in reply was a scoff. He knew it was unreasonable to judge the dog so hard, but in his tired state he really could not handle sharing your attention. He had missed you while on tour, no way he was going to let an animal distract you from his return.

"I know he's plotting against me. He wants you all to himself," Chris joked.

"Don't worry. 'm all yours," you mumbled before drifting off to sleep in his arms.

"All mine," he whispered back.

Chris finally got what he wanted. A peaceful morning slumber with you in his embrace, and no hyperactive dog to steal your focus off of him.

The last thought he had as he joined you in falling asleep was that Barney's nickname should be home wrecker.

𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now