Chapter 32: Origins

Start from the beginning


"So she's going to make her move during the dance?" Hector asked his new ally who nodded.

Neo had given him a rundown of what was going to happen and how it was going to happen which made his job easier.

Apparently the White Fang were going to use the old transport tunnels that were under Vale to blow up holes and lead Grimm towards the city.

She had also told him that her employers including herself snuck into the school posing as students and names. Hector then also said,

"I know I'll get to kill them but which one do you want?"

The one with the gray hair.

"Mercury? Fine by me. So where exactly is the train? I'm not going in yet just want to... prepare."

Neo then typed albeit a bit aggressively on her scroll.

That fire bitch didn't want me there so I wouldn't "Distract Roman" until the day after the dance so I could help out with security... fucken bitch.

Hector then rubbed his gas mask's filter and then remembered that knowing Vale security he could just go on one end of the tunnel and make his way towards them while also sabotaging the rails.

"I have a plan but now I gotta explain it to Ozpin. But... is it just me or does something feel off about him?" Hector asked the sadist ice cream woman.

Somewhat but I don't really pay attention to him. But I'll send you the rail number once I know it.

Neo typed before her body shattered like glass leaving Hector in the forest. As Hector walked back he felt someone watching... someone familiar.

"Traya. It's been a while." Hector said turning around as Traya emerged from the shadows.
"It has." She responded but Hector then asked.

"Why are you here? I doubt you came by just to say hi."

"You are correct. You remember the man I told you about?" She replied which Hector answered.

"The one who tried to kill you to get to me? Let me guess he tried and got another scar?"

"Correct." Traya said with a light smile.

"But that still doesn't answer my question- oh never mind you want a excuse to rub my accomplishments on Ozpin's face. Don't you?"

"That's... one of the reasons." Traya replied taken back by his response.

Out of all the people she met, Hector was one of the most if not THE most observant person she's met.

"How is that Headmaster doing?" She asked which Hector replied.

"Cryptic as always and frustrating to work with." Hector honestly replied which Traya followed up with.

"Frustrating how? I know he can be difficult to work with but what exactly?"

Hector then put his hands on his hips, tapped his foot a few times before saying.

"You might wanna sit."

Several minutes later...

"He assigned a team of first years to watch you?! Has that man gone mad?! And from the team that caused several civilian injuries?! And instead of punishing them he rewards them?!" Traya yelled out which Hector nonchalantly replied.

"That's what I thought too." Hector said before adding with obvious sarcasm... a bit of truth.

"And now I can't go alone with nothing but constant pain and agony... and my vast intelligence."

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