"It's not as bad as your elbow but I'll clean it too" she said and began to do the same process that she did minutes before

Feeling her hands on my skin sending goosebumps all around me. I made a comment that it was due to the stinging of the alcohol but I'm sure she didn't buy it

She added another big bandage on me smoothing it out with her hands

"There all done" she said

I looked down at the muscle t shirt in my hands surprised to see the little dots of red on the back of it

"Thank you" I said appreciative

"Now stop getting hurt so easily" she said

"No promises" I said and she laughed a little

I felt her fingers slide from the top of my shoulders all the way down my back and drag to the front of my waist. She hugged me from behind

I felt her lips place a few kisses on the middle of my back between my shoulder blades

"Y/n?" she said calling out my name

"Hmm?" I asked

"Do you hate me?" She asked with such an insecure voice

I furrowed my eyebrows and tried turning back but she just kept me in place

"Of course not. Why would you say that?" I asked

"Do I really make you miserable?" She asked

I let out a deep sigh. So Stacy's words did affect her

"No. Far from it" I said "however-"

I tried turning around to face her but she wouldn't let us move from our position. Assuming she doesn't want to look at my face as we have this conversation

"You don't make me miserable. But sometimes you can frustrate me" I said

"I know I'm sorry-" she breathed out with a sigh placing more soft kisses on the skin of my back

She finally let go of me and I turned around to face her

"I know you have feelings for me Y/n. And it hurts me to hurt you. At first I actually thought that maybe if I talked about other men in front of you it would get you jealous in a sexual way or something. But I didn't realize it probably was just incentive or hurtful" she said "that was dumb of me I now know" she said cringing at herself

I just listened to her talk staying quiet.

"I didn't think we'd ever be as connected as we have gotten. I just thought that you and I would just simply be here for sex" she said as she placed her hands on my shoulders

"Yea I get that" I said

"I'm not going to tell you anything that you don't know already. But if you no longer agree with our arrangement I will understand if you want to stop"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I just stared at her confused

"I can't give you what you want y/n. And I don't want us to continue if it will hurt you" she said

"Can I ask something?" I said and she nodded

"This isn't me saying I even wanted anything else but why not?" I asked

"Because, I'm not fully ready for commitment yet" she said

"Okay, but correct me if I'm wrong. You would've been more than okay getting into a relationship with Austin if he had asked you right?" I said speaking calmly

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now