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We all meet at Granny's in the morning, but I can barely keep my eyes open. "Sleepy?" David asks laughing. "You have no idea." I laugh looking at him. "He's pretty good with him huh?" David says looking at Peter feeding Felix. "Yeah he's good during the day, but he pretends to sleep when Felix cries during the night." "Sounds like every man." David laughs.

A knock on the door makes us all aware. Granny opens it letting Emma in. "If you want privacy talk fast. We open in 20, and no one gets between Leroy and his bacon." Granny says walking back into the kitchen.

"Any sigh of our quarry?" Hook asks as we all gather around Emma. "I went all over that farmhouse, and the land around it—nothing" She says defeated. "Well now that the suns up we should hit every place Gold might go. His house, shop, his cabin." David says. "Cause dead men love vacation homes." Emma and I sass at the same time. "Nice one." I say winking at her.

"Can someone explain how this is even possible? We all saw Gold die." "And you all saw me die as well, and I'm here." Peter says. "I might have an inkling." Hook says causing us all to perk up even more. "When we went back to the Enchanted Forest Neal was talking about the possibility of getting his father back."

"What? How?" "He didn't know how. He just... He missed his family, and he was desperate to find a way to return to this world. He believed that bringing his father back was the key." Hook continued.

"Well, if that was his plan then obviously something went wrong Because while Gold might be alive and kicking Neal is – he's – we don't know what he is. We don't even know if he made it back to Storybrooke. No ones seen him since the new curse." Emma says.

"He's out there somewhere." I say looking at my best friend. I feel so sorry for her. She's lost the one she loves not to mention he's Henry's father. "With all due respect we have bigger issues right now then who brought Gold back. The fact that he was in the Wicked Witch's basement for one. I want to know what the hell she was cooking up with him." My mother says.

"Well the best way to find that out would be to ask Gold right?" "He could tell us who the witch is. Maybe how to track her down."

"I'm gonna head back to that farmhouse. It's possible this witch left behind some trace of potion or a special ingredient." My mother says standing up. "Do you need help?" I ask coming forward. "If it's from you then yes." My mother says a smirk on her face. "I'm coming along." Peter says stepping up. "I'll take care of Felix." Marry Margret says holding her arms out. "Okay then try and keep up Pixie Boy." Oh burn! I should be really angry about that, but it's my mom. I know she's doing it just to get comfortable.

"We've looked in every corner and crack on that house. And nothing has been found! What are we going to do now? Wait for her to show up and take our loved ones?" Peter says frustratedly as we walk out of the house. "We can only hope for the best." I sigh grabbing his hand, and intertwining our fingers.

"Stop." My mother says making us freeze in place. A twig snaps, and so did my mother. "Show your self you winged freak!" A man comes out of the trees and shoots an arrow at us. At the last second Peter caught it. He looks at me and smirks. "Still got it." "Oh yeah? Well don't get cocky just yet." I giggle at him.

"Apologies! I thought you were the wicked witch." "And I thought you were a flying monkey." "I do hole my mistake hasn't cost me my head your majesty, and Princess." Princess? Me? How the hell does he know who I am? My mother looks at me and smiles. "So you know who we are." "Your reputation in the Enchanted Forest precedes you, and paintings of the Queen with her beautiful (e/c) eyed baby are hard to miss. And you are?" The man asks referring to Peter.

"Peter Pan. My daughters...boyfriend." My mother says stumbling over the words. "We didn't catch you name." Peter says. "Robin of Locksley at your service." As he holds out his hand for my mother she drops the arrow in it. "The thief?" "Well as we're tossing labels around aren't you technically known as the Evil Queen?" "I prefer Regina." My mother hisses at the man.

"You think you can bring down the wicked witch with sticks?" I ask looking at his cross bow. "Well I'm certainly going to try." "I'm afraid we're too late. She's long gone." "Well perhaps she left. A trail." "We were hoping the same thing." "Well then you've got yourself a new addition to the party." "We don't remember asking for one." "You didn't." He smirks at my mother.

My phone buzzes, and I pull it out to see who it is. "Hello?" "(y/n)! I don't know what happened! He pulled up on to the couch and then fell and now he won't stop crying! What do I do? Zelena and I have tried everything!" Marry Margret says panicked. "Hey calm down. Is there any blood?" "No but there will most definitely be a bruise." "We'll be right there." I sigh and hang up the phone. "What happened?" Peter asks. "Felix fell and he won't stop crying. We need to go." I say running in the direction of the apartment.

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