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The appointment goes on with him making sure my son is heathy and well. As I leave the building I see someone leaning agist a tree looking at me. Stalker. What kind of person dresses like a pirate and watches people leave the doctors office? I walk faster to the apartment. "Wait! Stop!" The man calls after me. "(y/n)!" I turn around. "How the hell do you know my name?" "Because I know you, we're friends if you will." "I don't know you. I've never seen you in my life." "Yes you have. One year ago you just can't remember." "Oh yeah? Prove it." I challenge him. "Drink this, and it will all be clear." He holds up a blue bottle. "You're crazy." I shake my head and start walking away. "Don't you want to know who the father is? I know who he is, and you will remember if you drink this. If not for me. Then do it for your son. Just take it at least." "You're not going to leave me alone till I take that bottle are you?" "No lass." I snatch the bottle and walk away.

When I walk in the door I see Henry laying on the couch playing his video game. "Henryyyyy. Why aren't you at school?" He turns around at smirks at me. "Why aren't you?" "Oh good one, but sadly doesn't hold up because I graduated early so tell me why are you here?" "Well mom's not coming home till 5 and then she has the date. Also if Mr. Faller didn't want people to skip he should make it harder." "You are just like your mother." I shake my head laughing sitting on the couch next to him. "How'd the doctors go?" "Felix did good. He's my tough little man." I say ticketing my son.

As I play with Felix the door opens and Emma rushes through. "I'm late!" She yells and runs into her room. In seconds she comes out in a black dress and heals. "Looking sexy Em be careful don't get pregnant." "The 17 year old mother is giving me advice on getting pregnant? Funny. Bye guys!" She yells and runs out the door.

It almost seemed as if she was go for no time. "So what'd you say?" I ask nudging my bestfriend. "You knew?" "Oh come on Emma. "First date restaurant, Special night out. The writing was on the wall." "Technically the writing was in the dessert."

"What did you say?" Emma just looks at me. "Poor guy." Henry shakes his head. "Well I didn't say no." "Well you didn't say yes." I say getting up and getting a drink.

"Come on I like the thing we have going on here. Just the 4 of us." "Emma it would be better if it were just you Henry and Walsh. I can move up stairs. I've been looking at that for months now. You would finally have that perfect family." "I can tell that you like him." Henry says pausing his game.

"How do you know?" "Because his the first guy you've dated "i've ever met." "Oh! game, set, match!" I high five Henry and played with Felix.

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